I'd put a bounty on MYSELF so that way he'd come and I could see him. And because I'm just so creative. =P
Topic: If you hired Boba Fett....
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
79 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestJust make sure that he knows that it is "alive only."
I whould ask him to clean my room FOR EVER.
If it's anything,then I would use him to make my homework!

Id ask him to shoot me so when I go to heaven, I can say, "Oh, you died in a bus accident? too bad...and you diedfrom a heart attack? Sorry......WELL I WAS KILLED MY @$@$%@! BOBA FETT!!!!!! WHOOOOHOOOOO!!! IN YO FACE!!!!!" :P
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Make homwork !!!! so you want Boba Fett to make homwork for you lol. You mean do ur homework. I think i would pay him to eat a rat. ;)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!!!!!!!!!!!lol,lol! :D
You girls, man. Always want the Boba Fett types. :P
You got it! hehehe :P
You guys are coming up with some interesting ideas! Bodyguard---that would be cool too!
Wow!Boba bodyguard....Poor fans!
Make homwork !!!! so you want Boba Fett to make homwork for you lol. You mean do ur homework.
Oh, no, I think he actually wants Boba Fett to set assignments and grade his papers and so on :P While on the topic, I once wrote a children's book as a project for Pre-Calc in high school. Guess what the theme was? :P All the colored construction paper pages were shaped like a familiar helmet....
cool....i wonder if anyone knew what it was? hmmm
BB* :cool:
Well, I did call it "The Boba Book of Fett Functions" lol. Although, yeah, all but a few people in my class knew who that was.
Hire Boba as a teacher of sorts. Learn the bounty hunter trade----yeah, yeah, that sounds good! :)

thats a very good idea........Dino Fett...........he,he,he.....I like it. ;)
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Bats would hire Boba Fett to guard my House when I become a Widow,,because his Kids are
the type who would sneek in and take what they could while everyone was at the Funrel and Boba
would certainly keep them away LOL!! and Boba Fett finding me a Widow !!
might have some COSY nights
I would hire Boba Fett to be my right hand man*
*yes lots of people said this idea...but it's a good one so I can't resist! :)
Me, I'd make him pose for drawings (possibly nude?) and then sell the drawings online or something.
He'd get a cut, of course ;)
Can you get him to model the Helo Kitty boxers?
Jeez IG-88!I don't think that the enemies of Boba would knock him out just to see him naked! ;)
Not his enemies, but certainly a portion of his legion of female fans. ;-)
Yes, some of us really do go for the Boba types. ;) And why not? He's practically the perfect man.
There's no practically about it. :)
Lol, Ursula your one funny person, I don't think they make Hello kitty boxers for men? well maybe they do. But I wouldn't be caught dead wearing those ;) And I think Boba would probably have night mares just looking at Hello kity boxers... :)
No, no, Boba loves Hello Kitty. :D
And I said practically cause I kinda doubt he'd be likely to warm up to anyone, so that makes him off limits in a sense. Though it does make him more attractive.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
do we really have to say:D lol you wouldnt want to know...
I don't think they make Hello kitty boxers for men?
...Are you suggesting they make boxers for women, Shade? Hello Kitty or otherwise?
And welcome to Lady Sora, too.
Yah they make boxers for women, is that what your trying to say?
Jeez guys way off topic!But Boba Fett doesn't wear Hello Kitty boxers for the simple reason that he lives in the SW universe and also cause he's a serial killer.Period.Also I would like to hire Boba to be my driver.Pretty fast jetpack....
Boba's not a serial killer. Those generally don't get paid, and Boba gets paid.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Yah I agree He isn't a serial killer, he just delivers his bountys...
"live ones are worth more than dead ones"- mandalorian armor
do we really have to say:D lol you wouldnt want to know...
My thoughts too, Lady Sora... :)
Perfect man, hehheehe
Hello Kitty boxers???!! LOL :D oh no---the image....LMAO