Topic: Aylin Vel

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Topic #239

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July 5, 2006 5:16 pm #

I have a few things to say:

First of all, Boba is very moral and honorable and as such would never just walk out on his family. The only thing that could make him do that was if the girl was cheating on him, in which case he'd shoot the other guy and maybe even the girl too.

Second, Boba is very moral and honorable and has a self control many people can't even dream of having, and would never "have a soft moment" or "go weak" or "have a moment" around any people. (maybe when he's alone he lets his guard down a bit, but never around others.

Third, yeah, Boba wouldn't kill his family.

Fourth, Aylin's not hot. You guys are weird. o_0 I think she's one of the ugliest people I've ever seen.

Fifth, Boba doesn't get drunk. He's moral as I've already said. As for being drugged, Sintas would have to be close to him indeed to drug his food or water storage.

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July 5, 2006 9:00 pm #

If you check out the Wiki profile they actually have  a pic of the model Joe Corroney based the portrait on.  She's pretty cute.  I think the only reason he might have left his family is to protect them from his enemies, maybe?  Still, it makes you wonder what could have been, if he had trained Ailyn Vel.  That would have been some family team, seeing that Sintas was a hunter, too.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
July 5, 2006 9:48 pm #
Sadriel_Fett wrote:

I think the only reason he might have left his family is to protect them from his enemies, maybe?  Still, it makes you wonder what could have been, if he had trained Ailyn Vel.  That would have been some family team, seeing that Sintas was a hunter, too.

I do agree with you on that.

You hear that Sev, someone thinks I'm excellent-Scorch
Well that makes two of you-Sev
July 6, 2006 11:01 am #

WHY!?!?!?!?!? NOOOO!!!! Its not right!!!! Boba...........isnt...............*Sigh*.......I give up......:|


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July 6, 2006 12:16 pm #

Whoa...this is definitely all news to me.

I completely agree with Miba...not only would Fett not walk out on his family, he'd probably go to great lengths just to avoid having a family.

Satan gave me a taco.
July 6, 2006 3:41 pm #

I'm not sure what else to say about this one--it was news to me a couple of months ago.  I don't like the idea much either, but then again, I don't know much about Ailyn's character there anything else about her other than on Wiki? (thanks for the link btw--whoever posted it, I forget now..)

From what we read in Insider 86, it would be unlike a Mando to just walk out on his family, BUT I agree he might not even want a family in the first place, and maybe if he did walk out, it was to protect them.  I can see just about everyone's point of view on this.

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 6, 2006 3:48 pm #

Have any of you heard of Johnny Cash's song "A Boy Named Sue?" I think that is why he left Ailyn (to toughen her up).

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 6, 2006 3:54 pm (Edited July 6, 2006 03:58 pm) #

Yeah, I've heard of that song... lol

Well, I didn't even meet my dad til I was 18---can say I'm easily a tomboy!  It was just mom and me, so she was mom and dad to me--didn't have a man around much, except for grandpa when we moved closer to family. 

It depends I guess---some girls become "daddy's girls" and some go the tomboy route with or without a dad.  I know if I had known my father earlier in life, I would have probably been a "daddy's girl" since he and I have so much in common.

Boba could have taught Ailyn his trade if he wanted (as someone mentioned earlier....) but I can also see what you mean by "toughening up" by his absence.

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 6, 2006 5:07 pm #
True Warrior wrote:

WHY!?!?!?!?!? NOOOO!!!! Its not right!!!! Boba...........isnt...............*Sigh*.......I give up......:|


No, TW! NO! Never give up!  Stand strong!  Fight, man, fight!


Boba: Lord Vader, I bring good news.--Vader: You have captured Solo?--Boba: No.--Vader: Then what is it?--Boba: I just saved 15% on starship insurance by switching to Geiko! {MW}
July 7, 2006 5:21 am (Edited July 7, 2006 05:37 am) #

Anyway I don't see the big fuss over the fact Boba was married and had a child. He is a MAN after all. He can't ignore certain calls of nature.  :D

You hear that Sev, someone thinks I'm excellent-Scorch
Well that makes two of you-Sev
July 7, 2006 12:06 pm #

I would just like to read more about this...this info is for sure canon?

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 7, 2006 6:09 pm #

This info is deffinately not for sure canon, Fettfan. And if the only place you can find information about it OL is wiki, then that's a sure sign that it's probably not canon at all. Wikis lie, never trust them for sure, not until you can confirm it at a different source.

Yes, Boba's a man, but not just any man. He's Boba Fett!!!

I doubt Boba would leave any kid of his to "toughen them up". I always pictured Boba as being sorta protective, so I think he'd want to be around while they're growing up.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 7, 2006 6:23 pm #

YES!!!! :D Free cheers for no Aylin!!! Hip hip!!! YAY!!!!! :D


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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July 7, 2006 10:59 pm #

Aiylin is actually mentioned on other Star Wars fansites, she must be pretty well-known.
Oh and check

You hear that Sev, someone thinks I'm excellent-Scorch
Well that makes two of you-Sev
July 8, 2006 10:02 am #

Yes, but as Miba said before, Wiki's lie big time. They cant be trusted.


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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July 8, 2006 11:04 am (Edited July 8, 2006 11:05 am) #

Someone already posted that link. Wikis do lie, but not everything on them is false (save Uncyclopedia, which is a dis-information site). I am pretty sure that everything on that Wookieepedia about Ailyn is from "History of the Mandalorians," or "Clans of Boba Fett."

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 8, 2006 8:49 pm #
Miba wrote:

I doubt Boba would leave any kid of his to "toughen them up". I always pictured Boba as being sorta protective, so I think he'd want to be around while they're growing up.

Yes, I can see that a little more easily than him up and leaving.

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 8, 2006 10:27 pm #

I know I'm new to this and all but I have taken the time to try read up on this as much as I could. Now to put in my two cents! ^_^

Since Ailyn was mentioned in the history of the mandalorians, I accept her as canon. However, do not think that I would care if it was reconed so Jodo or someone else was her father.

With that said here is a brief outline of something I think would be a desent explanation.

What I've read said Boba had his little family sometime between the ages of 17 and 21. Well if we put it closer to 17, then he's still fairly young and hasn't quite become the guy we all love just yet. For some reason that can be defined by an author he decided or was forced or whatever to wed Sintas and have Ailyn. But then Boba's enemies learned of this. In an effort to keep his family safe he left them without telling them where or why. For their own safety. It could even be mentioned that the bounty Sintas was after when she was killed was just a trap to hurt Fett's family not knowing he'd left them or something. Boba's way of getting over what he'd just done (leaving a child fatherless as had happened to him) was to become colder and harder than before. He even began to view relations with the opposite sex as a weakness then because enemies could use and exploit them.

Anyway that's about it. What do you guys think?

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 8, 2006 10:53 pm #

Well said! ;)

You hear that Sev, someone thinks I'm excellent-Scorch
Well that makes two of you-Sev
July 8, 2006 10:58 pm #

Thanks. This is just one of those things I accept; though, I don't have to like it. I just tend to accept all things canon in order to fit into the SW community at large. I really wish they would fix/change things. At the very least, make a Fett-esque reason for his leaving them.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 8, 2006 11:04 pm #

Well, in my Spiderman graphic-novels there are sometimes unexplainable things going on.

But what you just said, Mandalor_the_smart_Alec, is the most likely candidate.

You hear that Sev, someone thinks I'm excellent-Scorch
Well that makes two of you-Sev
July 8, 2006 11:09 pm #

I just hope they make it a good enemy. Not just Bossk is miffed again and acting like a whiney pansy.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 9, 2006 5:10 am #

I like your explanation there, Mandalor Smart Alec--that's something I can live with too lol

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 9, 2006 4:24 pm #

If I must accept anything about them, I'd accept that version of it. But only as a last resort against some far more horrible explenation.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 9, 2006 4:55 pm #

The upcoming book Bloodlines is supposed to talk about Fett's family some. One thing I read said something about children. Maybe it will reveal something...

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 9, 2006 5:21 pm #

If it says anything about Aylin, Im burning all the books. I hate her THAT MUCH!


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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July 9, 2006 5:54 pm #

What if they go on a Star Wars talk show and the DNA test says he's not her father? That'd be nice.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 9, 2006 5:58 pm #

Here's my take on the subject.

Everyone's been taking the "Boba's a deadbeat" approach or the "protect his family from enemies" approach, but it could actually be more tragic and sadder than that.

What if Boba didn't know he fathered a daughter?

Hear me out.  Boba is a bit older, wiser.  He's had a few close calls where his life flashed before his eyes, as in almost died from a hunting job.  While not necessarily looking to have a legacy, he's probably rethinking his view on the "no sex" thing, after all he could die a violent death without experiencing it, let's face it, everyone grows up and interests change.

Boba's living fast and he kinda likes this other bounty hunter chick, cause she's strong and again let's face it, there's not many attractive women in the bounty hunter gig.  One night they're going for the same bounty and end up on the wrong end of an ambush, they get out of it, bag the bounty, but barely.  Both still under the rush of the fight and scared to an inch of their lives, and fearing that they wouldn't live past tomorrow,well.... they end up doing it, in the heat of the moment.

Boba, not exposed to the mysteries of life goes "it was great, cool, we should do it again some time" and then heads of to hunt other bounties, forgetting about the chick completely.

Sintas, mistaking Boba's inexperience for being a deadbeat, decides to have the kid and tells her that "daddy left us when you were still a baby".

Baby is mad, cause mommy is the only person she has (and who else would she believe?), so she vows to kill the deadbeat daddy when she's all grown up.

Meanwhile Boba's gotten even more mature, even wiser and he's thinking he should now have a legacy.

The irony is, his legacy wants him dead.

The only glitch in this theory is the holovid pic of a mando and Sintas holding Ailyn, but then again Sintas could've just posed with Jodo Kast or some other wayward mando.

July 9, 2006 6:21 pm #

But how then, does Aylin get Boba's armor and stuff? Its wrong......ITS WRONG!!!! :mad: I HATE AYLIN!!


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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July 9, 2006 6:25 pm #

Why would Jodo pose anyway? And also if Sintas wanted Aylin to hate Boba why make a picture of them with Boba in it? Unless she spliced the whole thing together somehow as a little sad, "This is what could have been" type picture?

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 9, 2006 6:41 pm #
True Warrior wrote:

But how then, does Aylin get Boba's armor and stuff? Its wrong......ITS WRONG!!!! :mad: I HATE AYLIN!!


If I remember correctly, according to the History of the Mandalorians she found Alpha-Ø2 (the crazy Jango clone gone rogue. aka Mandalore the Ressurector) and killed him. She then took his armor.

Perhaps Alpha could be her father. I mean Fenn Shysa and Tobbi Dala confused him with Boba. Why couldn't Sintas?

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 9, 2006 8:17 pm #

Yeah, she took Spar's armor (Alpha-02).  As for Fett not knowing he had a kid, well, I think from the comic book issue, where he's actually in the holo picture with Sintas, he'd be daft if he didn't know he was a dad.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
July 9, 2006 8:19 pm #

Something I never realized before, though.  I've always been a big fan of Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura.  I was re-reading the article about Sintas and Aylin Vel, and it never hit me before that they are from the same race as Quinlan Vos.  I just thought that was pretty neat.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
July 9, 2006 9:29 pm #

Oh that's why they have the weird face markings. I never really liked that part of them.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 9, 2006 11:44 pm #
Miba wrote:

Oh that's why they have the weird face markings. I never really liked that part of them.

Yeah.  I had always thought that was part of their species characteristics, until I found out that were the same race as Quinlan.  Makes sense now, though.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
July 10, 2006 4:37 pm #
SabreMandalore wrote:

Anyway I don't see the big fuss over the fact Boba was married and had a child. He is a MAN after all. He can't ignore certain calls of nature.  :D

I seem to recall that in Tales of the bounty hunters, It references that Boba had several emotions removed from his brain.  I beleive one of them was the natural desire.


Boba: Lord Vader, I bring good news.--Vader: You have captured Solo?--Boba: No.--Vader: Then what is it?--Boba: I just saved 15% on starship insurance by switching to Geiko! {MW}
July 10, 2006 6:16 pm #

Although, a good part of that story was rendered non canon by episode 2. In which case, that may or may not be true.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 10, 2006 6:25 pm #

True Kentaiba, and even if he did have it removed...
in the words of Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, "Nature always finds a way"

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
July 10, 2006 10:28 pm #

I never read that in the book about Boba.  I know they had that about, Dengar, though.  That was one of the main plots of the story between him and Manaroo.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
July 11, 2006 6:04 am #

Yeah, I have been told children are mentioned.  This should be interesting.  Well, I'm going to get the book for the cover alone anyway...but of course I want to read it too!  lol

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 11, 2006 5:23 pm #

I think he did have "certain" neurons or something removed so he couldn't feel certain emotions or pleasures or pains... But that's Fett in his thirties. Fett had his family in the late teens/early twenties. Perhaps he had those emotions removed as a way to keep himself from getting into this situation again?

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 12, 2006 6:38 am (Edited July 12, 2006 06:40 am) #

That's another good point, Smart Alec

Mandalor_the_Smart_Alec wrote:

What if they go on a Star Wars talk show and the DNA test says he's not her father? That'd be nice.

I can just picture that episode of Maury now!!  lol for him possibly not knowing he had a child (as d13 mentioned) ...if he could have been confused with that other guy, yeah I can see that happening.

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 12, 2006 10:44 pm #

That's actually where I got the idea. My mom watches that every day when I'm home for lunch and with the exception of the past 2 days it's been about Who's My Baby's Daddy? So I figured surely the Star Wars version of him (if there is one, God help us all) could figure out the answer to this problem.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 13, 2006 10:10 am #
Sadriel_Fett wrote:
Miba wrote:

Oh that's why they have the weird face markings. I never really liked that part of them.

Yeah.  I had always thought that was part of their species characteristics, until I found out that were the same race as Quinlan.  Makes sense now, though.

OMG! Thats cool!!! I love quinLan!!! :D..............but I hate Aylin. :mad:


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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July 13, 2006 5:01 pm #

I wouldn't mind knowing/learning more about both Ailyn and Quinlan----I know more about Ailyn thus far.

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 13, 2006 8:41 pm #

If you want to learn about one or the other, learn about Quinlan first. He's not only really cool, but there's lots of information on him, and he's deffinately canon without a doubt.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 14, 2006 11:14 pm #

And Quinlan actually lived through Order 66.  Lucas told the writers of the Star Wars: Republic comic book series that they were not to kill off Quinlan's character.  So, that could possibly mean he may be in the new Star Wars tv series.  He was originally slated to be in the Ep. III movie, but only his name is mentioned.  Maybe this is his way of still getting him in there someway.  I still think from Rick McCallum's discription of the new tv series, that Boba is definitely going to make some cameo's.  Maybe it'll show how Boba meets Sintas Vel?  Since she's the same race as Quinlan, he could be hunting for Jedi's that made it through the purge, and looking for Quinlan on his home planet of Kiffar?  Something to think about.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
July 14, 2006 11:50 pm #

Interesting.....yes, I too heard of Boba being part of the tv series.  If the tv series is after ROTS, then he would have already met Sintas Vel right?  Or is the series slated to be during the time between AOTC and ROTS? 

Where is Quinlan's name mentioned in ROTS? I need to go back to catch it.

"Train your sons to be strong, but your daughters to be stronger."--Karen Traviss, Bloodlines
July 15, 2006 7:10 am #

LMAO! You guys still think GL is so incredibly stupid that he'd ruin his entire life's work on a stupid tv series?

1. History proves GL can't do tv shows. Holiday Special? Ewoks? (the lifeaction Ewoks I mean, look at it, Ewoks can't speak basic, it's not physically possible for them anymore than it is for Wookiee's. And, unless Wicket and all the other Ewoks packed up and moved clear across the moon, the Rebels in ROTJ would have run into a lot more people than just the Ewoks.)  Even Clone Wars isn't canon cause it contradicts stuff said in the books, and the sad part is that everyone believes the Clone Wars cartoons to be canon cause they haven't read the books, so canon is lost.
2. If Quinlan is in a tv show, he'd be a Mace-type. Powerful, egotistical, god-power, cannot be injured, cannot be hurt, struts around and unleashes almighty words of incredibly lame wit, and etc.
3. We know George hates Boba, so if he made a show about Boba Boba'd probably be the villian, the evil one that comes back in every episode going, "I'll get you Jedis now!" Neverminding that Jedis isn't a word.
4. Sintas wouldn't be in it. And if she was, she'd be Boba's evil henchgirl, and would always be hanging on his arm or something.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 15, 2006 7:28 am #

GL doesn't hate Boba, if he hated boba he would have said that he died in the Sarlaac pit, Hahahahahaa he is gone now good ridance.

and also, i think we have strayed from Aylin Vel to Quinlon being in a tv series... (back on track anyone?)

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!

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