This is my first time using the message boards, but um, just raise your hand if Boba should have killed Mace Windu in E3. Just raise your hand...
Topic: Time to vote
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
36 posts
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Good point sir, you are a frickin genius. I love you. *raises hand* I shouldn't have stayed home from school today...
I think it would be interesting to see him do that, but it would be completely against Fett's code to kill Mace for Revenge. He understands that revenge doesn't accomplish anything, it only adds one more thing to do on his list...
There's concept art from ROTS that wasn't used in the movie, but in it it showed Mace falling from the window only to be hit midair by a laser blast coming from Boba.
I would have loved for Boba to kill Mace, however how he does die is perfect for proving he is Dark. Mwahah... :P Sorry, I couldn't resist saying it. Anyway, I think the concept art's true for canon, I mean, it makes sense. The will of the Force allowed Boba to be in the right place at the right time.... ok maybe not canon but a fanfic at least.
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In the Scholastic Book, Young Boba goes after Mace. Mace beats him (cause george always lets the fricking Jedi win). Before he can fell the killing blow, the Emperor interrupts (because they have the fight in his parlor - no lie). I wanted Mace's death, but, hey, it was a kids book, so you get what you get. It was interesting in that first Fett wanted revenge, but, then, he got a credit cube and went on to focus on another bright and shiney.

Hand's raised!, yeah in the Boba Fett books i wish that boba would have at least wounded mace, catches the saber dart out of the air, bull crap

Dude... I need to find that concept art again, because I saw it before and it was really cool. I was going to sketch my own image of Boba killing Mace from behind, but it's not quite done. Also, where can I find this book you are talking about where Boba goes after Mace Windu? Oh and Kudar, I really think that Boba would go after Windu. Code shmode, he killed his frickin father, BOBA WOULD SEEK REVENGE!
Also, where can I find this book you are talking about where Boba goes after Mace Windu?
Boba Fett 6: Pursuit, you could find it at any bookstore, I think.
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I thought it was nice how they did the fight in the books. Ambitious little Fett wants revenge, but learns revenge is not nessescary. If he had killed Mace, he might have ended up like Bossk for all we know...
I think while mace was falling Boba saves him with Slave I and mace says "Hey, thanks pal" and then Boba says "No thank you" and then Boba blows the h*** out of him! REVENGE IS SWEET!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

"Hey, thanks pale"
Hey thanks pale? Was that a racial comment?

Racial? thats nice Mandalorian, mace is like "Hey thx man for saven me, o wait arent you Boba Fett, the son of Jango fett, i killed him o well" Boba shoot's him in the face and dumps his body outside "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I killed Mace Windu I killed Mace Windu o yeah!"
"Hey, thanks pale"
Hey thanks pale? Was that a racial comment?
I think he meant "pal" as in buddy.
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Hand raised.
all limbs raised
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
"Hey, thanks pale"
Hey thanks pale? Was that a racial comment?
You know I just relized that you were saying that to me. Man I am slow, sorry for the confusion I don't know how to spell pal right. Back to first grade! to learn to spell!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
oh my gosh thats what should have happend i mean revenge thats a true mandalorian
Well, even if Boba didn't get to kill him we can all have fun imagining Mace getting hit by a star wars greyhound bus going really really fast.
(BFFC Moderator)
Hand raised.But it doesn't matter,Lucas always ALWAYS lets the Jedi win.
Luke,Luke,Obi-wan,Mace,all won.
Does Etain count though?Loved the almost romance thing in Hard Contact.But she stayed and Darman left.Some part of me says that Darman did the right thing,the other well;dont know what its saying.
mace could not have been killed by Boba.
Boba is a great warrior but would not have had the skills to defeat mace i'm afraid.
"I should shoot you just for asking about that" (Jango Fett to count dooku for mentioning Galidraan)
can someone explain to me what a mandalorian is?
The armor Jango and Boba wear is called Mandalorian armor. Mandalorians were a group of guys who wore that armor, and they have a moral code and an honor code, and the ones in the old-old Republic loved the glory of war and battles. Mandalorians were a species to start off with, a grey skinned humanoid species. But when they started dying out they started to accept aliens into their ranks. Their leader is always called Mandalore, it's a title sorta like "king". Over the years they faded in and out, but finally resurfaced, led by Jaster Mareel. Jaster adopted Jango, and then died, leaving Jango leader of the Mandalorians. Then all the Mandalorians were killed except Jango. The Mandalorians came back years and years later, led by Boba.
I'm sure you could find out more about them OL, try googling it. didn't have a databank entry about them, and I didn't wanna link to Wiki cause most that entry's probably full of lies. :) So I'd say try googling or reading some books if you want to know more about them. I know Open Seasons, a comic book, has some Mandalorian stuff. And KOTOR has a lot too.
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wow thnx you really put a lot of effort into that post. thnx a lot dude.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
This sounds worthy, hand raised. Very good Mandalorian.
Yes, but only if he could have done it in an honorable manner. It would have been nice if Anakin had hired him. But I guess this way, we can imagine everything he was doing on vacation during the Jedi Purge.
BFFC Moderator
I think he would have been to young and lacking the strength to take on a fully grown man, and a Jedi at that.
My sister-"No way, Jose!" Me-"Yeah way, Enrique!"
Boba Fett would have to be in his prime, and have plenty of battle experience to so much as give Mace Windu a harried fight. During the prequels, he's too young and inexperienced to kill Mace -- the only way he could win is by using cheap moves. Oh wait, that's how Mace died in Episode III :P
There's concept art from ROTS that wasn't used in the movie, but in it it showed Mace falling from the window only to be hit midair by a laser blast coming from Boba.
I would have loved for Boba to kill Mace, however how he does die is perfect for proving he is Dark. Mwahah... :P Sorry, I couldn't resist saying it. Anyway, I think the concept art's true for canon, I mean, it makes sense. The will of the Force allowed Boba to be in the right place at the right time.... ok maybe not canon but a fanfic at least.
Do you have a picture or a link???
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Yyyyynnnnnahhh... :P
We see enough clones of Jango killing Jedi in that movie. And by the way, such scene would be pretty cheap for a revenge. Shooting a man falling from the sky? Come on....
Do you have a picture or a link???
It was in an older Insider. I don't have a picture or link, there was one on the old boards but I don't remember where it was.
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Eh...I think I saved the picture to my other computer...maybe if you keep bugging me I'll remember to post it. It's just too late at night right now to go switching computers.
BFFC Moderator
I take no credit for this picture; I believe it was Sadriel who scanned it for us, then I stole it.
Sorry guys, the boards cropped it. But I sent a copy to the Admin, so he'll get it into the image archives for us.
BFFC Moderator

YESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats what sould have happend!
I think Boba was a little dissapointed that he waz unable to carry out any revenge upon mace........i think it would have made a good scene yes i think that should have happened. (although that scene was that critical point where anakin had to make the choice, ya know)
MandalorianSpy9 :D