Dengar all the way.
Topic: Favorite bounty hunter (classic trilogy)?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Bossk and IG-88 all the way.
In my humblest opion, Zuckuss, i the books he's the comical relief.
I'd say .....hmmmmm either IG-88 or Bossk. Im going to go with IG-88. He is a pretty awsome assassin droid and would rock and come out with a W....most of the time.
Bossk, because he looks cool.
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Zuckuss. I gots to dig the funny ones. It's just my way of life.
Oh speaking of Shadows, there's a sequal to it, I believe Dash is in it. A little late I know but I just found out about it
Shadows of the Empire Evolution, not just in comic book form
(BFFC Moderator)
But it was weird that they turned a teddy bear into an itchy trigger finger and back again
You have missed out Aurra Sing and Jodo Kast, those i can remember off the top of my head.
I prefer IG-88 though.
Welcome to the boards Durge....i like your name, since i like the charactor you're named after. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts on the boards....c ya out there.
Beskaryc Beroya (spy*) :cool:
Welcome to BFFC Durge!! I can get you a cooler avatar isf you want? :)
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I like Bossk, because he's a reptile, and I love reptiles :P
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You have missed out Aurra Sing and Jodo Kast, those i can remember off the top of my head.
I prefer IG-88 though.
Sing and Kast were not in the Original Trilogy.
Hmm I have to say Bossk for my favorite bounty hunter because his body is a lizard! I love lizards
Im not really sure which one i like most possobly Dengar but i like all of them.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Dengar... I mean he did save Boba's life and Boba don't count
Well, any other time I would have said Boba Fett...But otherwise, under the circumstances, Dengar is the man. Besides, he did save Boba Fett from the Sarlacc after it spit him out.
Actually, I think it was Neelah, right? :/ But Dengar did do everything in his power to keep him alive so.........
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Neelah found Boba, and Dengar saved Boba.
(BFFC Moderator)
I like Dengar and Bossk. Dengar because he saved Boba Fett and Bossk because he's just cool.
BOSSK all the way on this 1 :P
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
I've always liked Bossk, I've even got the figure of him.
Well that makes two of you-Sev
4-LOM just because as a kid Boba looked cool but 4-LOM had something else that stuck in my mind as cool. Still not sure what it is though.
―Peter Griffin
I dont like 4-Lom Much. And for the same reason, I dont know why. :/
Carry on...
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im not actually a fan, just more of a fan of his look, i think his story is crappy and what i am kind of wondering, how can bossk be a fan favorite when he is the rival of Fett?
―Peter Griffin
My personal fav (besides fett because ... comeon you dont get much cooler than that) would have to be Dengar. 4-lom and Zuckus (no idea on spelling) arent on my list ... IG-88 is pretty sweet. So basically my top 5
1. Fett
2. Dengar
3. IG-88
4. 4-lom/zuckus
5. bossk
im not actually a fan, just more of a fan of his look, i think his story is crappy and what i am kind of wondering, how can bossk be a fan favorite when he is the rival of Fett?
All of the bounty hunters were rivals of Fett dosent mean you shouldnt like there charecters.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
true they are all rivals but bossk and boba were really high on tension.
―Peter Griffin
Bossk cause he doesn't need inteligence to be a good hunter :)
yea you do, without intelligence your just a robot...lower then ig-88 even.
―Peter Griffin
yea you do, without intelligence your just a robot...lower then ig-88 even.
Actually, most robots are smarter than humans, just emotionless. IG-88 is no exception.
Back on topic though. My favorite hunter, besides Boba, has to be Dengar. He's the perfect assassin, yet has a heart. Plus his backstory is great.
I also like IG-88. He's a walking, killing, self-sentient weapon factory. Plus, he's an assassin driod (I have a soft spot for assassin droids :P ) so he's all right in my book.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Yay mines Dengar too his story in TOTBH is so good :P.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Bossk! I don't know why, it should be IG-88...but Trandoshans are just so fun to Photoshop.
-Captian Murphy
IG-88 wins it all the way because robots have no emotion and so are more ruthless than the other bounty hunters. Plus, only a few were made in the whole Star Wars trilogy
the thrawn trilogy depresses me abit as i want him to win.i like zuckas alot.
fett doesnt have a rival. none of the other bounty hunters even come close to fetts abilities.
anyways, my favortie is greedo. hes so funny
I would say Dengar is fairly close to Boba.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
When Fett just escaped the Sarlacc, he bested Dengar easily.
I like Bossk and Zuckuss.
When Fett just escaped the Sarlacc, he bested Dengar easily.
Eh he didnt fight Dengar ever....
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
When Dengar rescued him from the Sarlacc, Dengar tried to kill him. Fett was still half dead, and he easily bested Dengar. This was in Tales of the Bounty Hunters. You should make sure that you know what you are talking about before you say anything, IG-88.
Eh i think you should think too.
1.Is that actually considered a proper fight they were in a confined space Dengear was having one of his mad moments and if he wasnt couldve easily just shot Boba.
2.Boba only won that because he took the blaster basically i just consider that a tiny litle scuffle.
3. I dont really think its really besting somone taking a blaster out of ther holster.
Im obviously not saying Dengar could beat Boba but im saying he is the closest bounty hunter to Boba.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Eh i think you should think too.
1.Is that actually considered a proper fight they were in a confined space Dengear was having one of his mad moments and if he wasnt couldve easily just shot Boba.
2.Boba only won that because he took the blaster basically i just consider that a tiny litle scuffle.
3. I dont really think its really besting somone taking a blaster out of ther holster.
Im obviously not saying Dengar could beat Boba but im saying he is the closest bounty hunter to Boba.
proper fight? you dont have to "best" someone just in a fight. its called "outsmarting" them.
besides dengar is not the closest. Ig-88 could chew dengar up and spit him out
When Dengar rescued him from the Sarlacc, Dengar tried to kill him. Fett was still half dead, and he easily bested Dengar. This was in Tales of the Bounty Hunters. You should make sure that you know what you are talking about before you say anything, IG-88.
im glad im not the only one whos read that book.
IG-88 wrote:Eh i think you should think too.
1.Is that actually considered a proper fight they were in a confined space Dengear was having one of his mad moments and if he wasnt couldve easily just shot Boba.
2.Boba only won that because he took the blaster basically i just consider that a tiny litle scuffle.
3. I dont really think its really besting somone taking a blaster out of ther holster.
Im obviously not saying Dengar could beat Boba but im saying he is the closest bounty hunter to Boba.proper fight? you dont have to "best" someone just in a fight. its called "outsmarting" them.
besides dengar is not the closest. Ig-88 could chew dengar up and spit him out
No way Boba destroyed 3 IG droids IG's underestimeated him and he owned them. Dengar has genetically increased strength speed and stamina and is afraid of nothing.
Quote- gun pointing at Dengar "Go ahead i have nothing to lose" - Dengar Tales of the bounty hunters
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
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