im a fan of the rifle
Topic: the weapons of boba over the movies
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
44 posts
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i like all of the gear. but the rifle ismy ultimate favorite too
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BFFC Moderator
I'm with ARC Fett. I like all of his gear... I think my absolute favorite would be his rifle.
his rifle. It's just class
I like his jet pack!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
im also a fan of the flame thrower
Flame thrower, or the sawed off, maybe the pack racket or cord
(BFFC Moderator)
As I mentioned on a similar topic, Boba's most distinguished weapon would be his custom-made, Turboflex(tm) Baby-Kicking boots.
(BalanceSheet does not support baby-kicking. In fact, he has never kicked a baby in his life. He loves babies.)
-Captian Murphy
My favorite is his helmet, but that could count as armor so as an actual weapon I would pick his flamethrower.
His Jet-Pack absolutely ROCKS dude......i cant stand it. His flame thrower is a closely followed 2nd.
Same with me. I also love the badass helmet. His helmet brings fear, and respect to the galaxy. And you can never tell if he's just looking at you, or gathering data. But if that aint a weapon, then I like his gauntlets.
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(BalanceSheet does not support baby-kicking. In fact, he has never kicked a baby in his life. He loves babies.)
I don't. Of course.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
BalanceSheet wrote:DISCLAIMER:
(BalanceSheet does not support baby-kicking. In fact, he has never kicked a baby in his life. He loves babies.)I don't. Of course.
It's a joke.....lighten up dude. You were supposed to go "lol".
The Yautja wrote:BalanceSheet wrote:DISCLAIMER:
(BalanceSheet does not support baby-kicking. In fact, he has never kicked a baby in his life. He loves babies.)I don't. Of course.
It's a joke.....lighten up dude. You were supposed to go "lol".
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I was joking too, buddy. And I never say 'lol'. Ever.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
God!!! Why cant u people just get over it already!
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I was joking too, buddy. And I never say 'lol'. Ever.
You sound like a happy person! LOL LOL LOL. i mean, it tells people that you're chilled out, ya know. Keep it real dude, keep it loose. Whatever.
I don't know, I don't use it either, it's just another form of expression. I prefer not to shorten anything outside of rpg's
(BFFC Moderator)
but it shouldn't be a big deal, i mean, if others use it, ya dont have to be negative about it.....but it doesn't really matter if u use it or not. Just another rabbit trail trying to distract.
Then why comment on it in the first place?
(BFFC Moderator)
ask "The Yautja" that innocent...i think.
The Yautja wrote:I was joking too, buddy. And I never say 'lol'. Ever.
You sound like a happy person! LOL LOL LOL. i mean, it tells people that you're chilled out, ya know. Keep it real dude, keep it loose. Whatever.
Then I can just say 'I'm chilled out. And happy.' I do not stoop to the annoying pop culture sayings of today (Or any day for that matter). They are some of the things that make me want to go decrease the population.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Back to the topic, I like the little pistol thing he uses in the comic books. Anybody remember what it's called?
BFFC Moderator
Do you men the one that looked like a Bespin police's blaster?
Yeah, I know what your talkin about, Chrys. It looks like this.(I couldnt find a better pic)
I dont know what it's called though, I looked but couldn't find any info.
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It still reminds me of the midget cricket from MIB for some reason
(BFFC Moderator)
Yep, that's it. I think there's a weapons diagram that has the name on it.
BFFC Moderator
Isn't that a concussion grenade launcher?
found that better pic
(BFFC Moderator)
i think i've heard that it was that too....for some reason. but i think it's just a blaster pistol. sweet pic..
{MW} MS9
Wookieepedia (hate to depend on them) says it's a concussion grenade launcher, but that just doesn't make sense to me. How big is a concussion grenade? (On a side note, I'm starting to abhor Wookieepedia. It's taking all the enjoyment and magic out of Boba.)
BFFC Moderator
What annoys me is the fact that everything thing is in past tense, I really have no idea what it is
(BFFC Moderator)
aren't concussion grenades about the size of a baseball?
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The barrel doesn't look big enough to shoot out anything besides laser beams.
BFFC Moderator
hmmmmm a delimma we have......yeah you're right isn't big enough to shoot them....hmmmmm
{MW} MS9
the rifle rocks, but then again tools are only as good as the person who wields them.
the rifle rocks, but then again tools are only as good as the person who wields them.
words of wisdom from a new member....i like it
{MW} MS9
I like his His Jet Pack His Flame Thower and his Rifle is da BoMB 2 i cant decide what ones my favorite though.........
{MW} JH3
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
BomB! lol :D
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Favorite LightSaber Battle from 1 of the 6 movies??
LOL TW i asked that question when i was new member i didn't know how to post my own topic lol
{MW} JH3
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
Are you asking a question, cuz if you are, it's definately episode 3 with Obi-Wan and Anikin.
BTW, I suggest if you want to ask a question, put in in a new topic. That should come out ot be a pretty good discussion. :)
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