I am aware that vigilanties are not the same thing as anti-heros, but Venom does fit into both catagories.
Topic: the greatest superhero of all time?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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In Venom's mind, he is the hero where as spider-man is the villian.
He's not really an Anti-Hero though....
I agree with The Yautja on this he really is a Vigilante...
There are several types of anti-heros, one of which is a vigilante.
Like The Punisher, my favorite of all vigilantes. He has no powers whatsoever, just a crap load of guns and the skill to use them. The comics are some of the goriest I've seen, and the movie they made after them was good too.
But as long as we're speaking of anti-heroes, has anyone seen Pitch Black or The Chronicles of Riddick? Not sure if Riddick was talked about yet, but there are 9 pages I don't want to have to rifle through.
Anyway, draco's right Humorbot, vigilantes are essentially anti-heroes. J00 h45 833|\| H4xx0r3d.
Daredevil's pretty cool. Gotta love a guy that runs around in a costume like that.
But he doesn't use guns, that's a major minus for me.
The punisher is a pretty awesome charactor. He rides solo like Fett, i like that about him.
{MW} MS9
I like Iron Man....
I have seen "Cronicles of Riddick," and I want to see "Pitch Black" and the animated series (or are those the same thing?).
I prefer the Jay And Silent Bob Films......
Thundercats Rawk!!!!!!!!

The Batman....hands down.....The Batman.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I like batman. The orginial hero
The punisher is a pretty awesome charactor. He rides solo like Fett, i like that about him.
{MW} MS9
The punisher is awesome dudes!!!!
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
I have a gamepiece of him....with my hero click game and he is like jumping to the side and firing at the same time...it looks pretty swanky.
MandalorianSpy9 :cool:
Wow!!That must be cool!
Doctor Strange is my favorite of all time the cartoon in 2007 and a character in Marvel Ultimate Alliance is gonna bring Dr Strange into the light finally...for a minute anyway.
Welcome to the boards Morgan4242 Glad to see you've joined in on all of the fun...i'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts...
BB* ;) :cool:
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!It's you MandalorianSpy9?Great name and Avatar!! :D But I'm gonna miss your previous character... :(
I don't think Venom will be the villian in Spidey3. More like the struggle of being Venom on the Sandman backdrop. More like an introduction of Venom into the series. Hope they dont mess it up.
Spidey is my favorite.
deadpool looks pretty cool, reminds me alot of deadshot(i think that is his name) from DC though!
That's because Rob Liefield (creator of Cable and Deadpool) copied him right off Deadshot :P
But yes. My favorite DC/Marvel superheroes would definitely be the Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Captain America, Magneto, Catwoman, and--of course--Superman and Batman.
Other than that, I love the Samaritan and the Confessor from Kurt Busiek's Astro City, and The Great Machine from the comic series Ex Machina.
THE FLASH wrote:deadpool looks pretty cool, reminds me alot of deadshot(i think that is his name) from DC though!
That's because Rob Liefield (creator of Cable and Deadpool) copied him right off Deadshot :P
From my understanding, Deadpool was designed to simply be a one time villian, but he became too popular for his own good.
Just a few deadpool tidbits that I want to throw in:
In the "ettiquite" ( I am sure that is not correct, but my rabbits have rendered m dictionary useless) lesson, Captain America helps old ladies across the street, and Deadpool dresses old ladies up in underoos. Captain America always makes sure to locate do-gooders and helps them (shows picture of the Captain with boyscouts). Deadpool always makes sure to locate and mock do-gooders (shows a picture of Deadpool laughing at boyscouts). Even though he does not share their ideas, Captain America always helps vegetarians find good vegetables. Deadpool ties vegetarians down and force feeds them meatloaf.
When Deadpool went to the zoo, many of the whales were not breathing well.
I really, really, really like The Tick.
Who doesn't like the Tick? But I must admit that I prefer the Sewer Urchin and Die Fledermaus (the guy that looks like a bat).
BFFC Moderator
I hate the tick. idk why.....
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Sorry...what's the tick? :/

Sorry...what's the tick? :/
The cartoon show and the comic book are awesome. They also had a short lived live action show, but it sucked really bad.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
It seems to be reminicent of "Freakazoid."
Who doesn't like the Tick? But I must admit that I prefer the Sewer Urchin and Die Fledermaus (the guy that looks like a bat).
I like Die Fleidermaus too, but The Tick is much cooler in my opinion.
Die Fledermaus wasn't cool, he was a jerk. That's why I like him, because I found it amusing everytime the American Maid would get mad at him for flirting with someone else.
BFFC Moderator
It seems to be reminicent of "Freakazoid."
Yea but I think Tick is more satire than that. I still like the episode where the Tick meets up with that guy that's supposed to be "Galactus" and he ends up riding around on him in a golf cart.
"The evil midnight bomber what bombs at midnight!"
(BFFC Moderator)
"Boom baby Boom!"
It seems to be reminicent of "Freakazoid."
Freakazoid used to be so much better than this if I can remember. Then again, I was kind of little.
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I liked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They were cool.
Oh and the Biker Mice from Mars were the coolest!!!!!!!!!
Other than that most of the superheroes are lame except some from Marvel and Batman. I like Batman because he wasn't superpowerful. He was just a rich guy who had spare time to run around in tights.
That's why I started to like Green Arrow. Just not Speedy, Arsenal is cool though.
(BFFC Moderator)
Superman is my final decision. No doubt.
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Superman's awsome, but my final vote goes to him, Spidey, Flash, and Toxin.
Even though I'm a Spidey fan, my vote goes to Captain America.
Well that makes two of you-Sev
Captain America, forgot about him, but everyone knows that the best super hero ever is the SILVER SURFER!!
Hail to the King Baby!!
list of my top 10 (10=lowest, 1=highest)
8=Iron Man
7=Johnny Storm
6=Silver Surfer
5=The Tick
2=Captain America
And then there are the Justice Friends, Major Glory, Val Hallan, and the Crunk, my favorite fake superheroes (off of Dexter's Laboratory).
BFFC Moderator
i definately think superman is one of the best ... green lantern has alot of possiblilty cuz of that sick ring. btw Chrys i used to watch Dexter's Lab all the time! (brings back memories of sugary cereal and not a care in the world)
Here's my top 3
2. Capt. America
3. Thor
blue bettle is fairly cool. Good armour.
Same goes for Green lantern, especailly Hal Jordan
in american comics-deadpool!hes so fun.phoeonx(shes so cute)midnight,i loved the marvel zombies too.catwoman,batman,hitman.In british comics- judge dredd,nicolai dante,the spider,old one eye.Manga-sailor moon(shes so cute),hazuki,baoh,lone wolf.and any catgirls cos of the cuteness factor.manga dose seem to make its guys to be pathetic geeks alot.
Not really. You just need to read different types of manga.
greatest super hero ever is Under Dog
―Peter Griffin
Batman is the greatest hero ever, in my opinion. Well...him and Darkwing Duck.
I like Spawn, although he's more of an Anti-Hero than a Superhero, but still...
I don't really like any of the popular Superheros (Batman, Superman, Spiderman, ect) except for the X-Men, so I guess I'd pick them.
Now we need a Super Villian Thread...:D
-Rampage, Beast Wars
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