Let me state that through the Star Wars Saga, and in books continued, most of us have started to grasp the true nature of Boba Fett, his mannerisms, characteristics, and procedures that he has always desplayed to date. I have noticed a post, a picture, of Boba Fett without his mask. May I state that his classification, rank in the bounty hunter trade, and the way in which he presents himself for his work completely contradicts this picture. I could care less if he was making terms with Lord Vader himself, but in noooo way would he ever take of his helmet showing what he looked like underneath his T-shaped visor. The fact that no one has truly seen his face since his father had died in the Clone Wars is a part of the fear factor that the galaxy has come to visualize in the Star Wars universe. The helmet is as much a part of him as the rest of his armor. Never would he remove it in full view of the public for Fett is far from ignorant.
Topic: Fett Unmasked
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
66 posts
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A newb with great grammer and the ability to think, something quite rare. Dengar did see Fett without his helmet, but that is pretty much it.
THe fact that ANYONE would see Fett without his helmet is completely preposterous! (good grammar is what you get for being the sr editor of your schools newspaper 2 years running)
Its not perposterous, its just how it goes. Carrying Boba Fett out of the Sarlacc's acid stomach and healing him back to life WITHOUT taking his helmet off, is whats perposterous. Thats just stupid. Fett didnt even take it off, it was Dengar and Manaroo.
And Neelah also saw his face.
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Boba Fett, in return for taking him out of the Sarlacc pit, offered him a partnership, that or death. Dengar was in as much fear knowing that he seen Boba without his helmet on, mulling constantly on the consequences of reviving him, and to Boba Fett was only seen in this condition due to the fact of being unconscious and with no other choice. This was one occassion where Fett was seen without the helmet. It also never mentions specifically if Manaroo saw his face or not, she was just aware of the situation. Neelah also had the same thoughts as Dengar.
T-Shaped is a great addition to this community. I hate that Fett has ever been unmasked, especially in those prequels. Never should've been done. Complete sin.
Maybe BFFC Eric has a point.Some people didn't like this at all...
I actually kind of like iit. But other poeple might think otherwise.........
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I think otherwise!!!

Well, the picture in question is from one of the Star Wars Infinities series. So, it's not really continuity. It's the one where Boba ends up frozen in carbonite and as Lando's work desk. So, I agree, he would never take his mask off and have his feet propped up on the table when someone walked in the door. Especially, if that someone could end up on the receiving end of his blaster.
As for Dengar seeing his face. That was out of neccessity. Also, Fett would have had chemcal burns at the time, from being in the Sarlaac's stomach. Having to bandage his face, when not in his armor, in Twin Engines of Destruction would attest to that, I think. So I don't think it really would've mattered if Dengar saw his face, since it was scarred at the time. Mabye after a few bacta treatments, then yeah, but as I recall, that didn't happen later in the book.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
This is the major problem for me. I don't care if Dengar has seen him unmasked or things like that which are a matter of life or death. If he has a head, he has a face. That's life. However, what I do have a problem with is the whatever manner in which Jango Fett was unmasked whenever, like yeah, I want some fresh air type of crap. He was unmasked a lot. Jango Fett turned Boba Fett's cold hard helmet from a cryptic face of destruction to the equivilent of a BIKE HELMET. Jango puts it on for SAFETY. He is a DWEEB. Fett was cold, hard, calculating. Why would he let people see his face? It makes him LESS scary and makes him an EASIER MARK. Fett probably goes unmasked and unarmored to places when he has to, to blend in. If everyone knew his face, wouldn't it be a little like being a celebirty and not even being able to go grocery shipping? Whatever, I hate the removing of the helmet.
Jango and Boba are two different people. Jango went unhelmeted a lot, Boba didn't.
I don't like the picture in Insider. I doubt he cares about his looks so much that he grooms his face hair into a nice, neat little pattern, beard-goatee-whatever. The pictures of his unmasked face in the SW Tales comics are much better. Though that Titanium Diecast figure's face is horrid.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
The Titanium Diecast figure made him looke liike he would say "I'm Fett, Boba Fett, and I want it shaken, not stirred."

Jango and Boba are two different people. Jango went unhelmeted a lot, Boba didn't.
I don't like the picture in Insider. I doubt he cares about his looks so much that he grooms his face hair into a nice, neat little pattern, beard-goatee-whatever. The pictures of his unmasked face in the SW Tales comics are much better. Though that Titanium Diecast figure's face is horrid.
Were you talking about this pic, that was in the Insider?
I was confused about that, too. I figured Fett's Sarlaac's scars would've been a lot worse than that. When you visited the artists' website, though, the title of the picture was called "Spar." I think he actually intended the picture to be the ARC Trooper Alpha-02, the one who called himself Spar. He was also known in the Insider article as Mandalore the Resurrector, because he's supposed to be the one who had the latent memories of Jango Fett, and so decides to reform the Mandalorian Protectors. Here's the Wookieepedia article for anyone who's interested, but I think the Spar thing makes more sense. I mean, he was the one who was mistaken for Boba Fett by Ailyn Vel, as well. Which was bad news for him, apparently. It's a neat article, though. Enjoy.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
The very lst image is what we were talking about.
I've never seen that Insider picture. I'm glad it's just a Clonetrooper cause I don't think that's a good picture of Boba. lol
And, yes, that last picture of the action figure is probably one of the worst pictures of him. And on that page about the middle I think is the Infinities picture, which isn't very good either. Mainly my problems are his lips and beardthingie. And the scar on his face cause you don't see that in any other pictures of him. And I don't really get how he'd get face scars anyway seeing as how he never takes the helmet off.... and they can't all be sarlacc scars cause those were burns not cuts. Though I suppose burnt skin could crack and form cuts. *shrug*
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

I figured it was all about this:
Very tacky of whomever at Wikipedia to hack off the watermark at the bottom, but keep everything else.
That picture of Boba when he's sitting down on that chair with his helmet off, doesn't make him look how he's supposed to look, I mean come on! The guy has been through hell and back and he looks like he's been rubbing anti-aging cream on his face or "Scars-no-more", I'd draw Boba with a more mature rugged look!
Well that makes two of you-Sev
The pic Aaron has shown is not working here, but I think I know what pic it is. ;)
I think that thats how he looks, except your right, he could use a little scars here and there. Other than that, he looks perfect to me. The angle of his head, the glair in his eyes, his hair, all look perfect to me. I mean if you put the helmet on his face in the oicture, the angle of his head would turn out to be the Fett gaize! Anyone know what Im talkin about? :/
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The picture works fine if you click the link; you can't just copy the URL, as it's truncated with "..."
Sorry, its still not working. :/
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Yeah, I have seen that pic too--I also thought it odd that he would remove his helmet. The helmet is just a part of him.
I just finished reading Mandalorian Armor and Slave Ship, so thankfully, I know what you guys are talking about with Dengar...lol. I liked his and Neelah's reactions to Boba's image when they rescued him.
He might have some scars from before he was a bounty hunter, and wearing the helmet. You can't scratch that out as a possibility to them.
But he wore his helmet pretty much all the time after AOTC, and he didn't have any scars in AOTC. Though I suppose it is possible he got a scar or two inbetween wearing the helmet. Or when he went in disguise. I remember once in the Han Solo trilogy that he was bording a passanger liner or something and he was disguised as an alien. So if he did do that, he might get a cut or two from being in disguise, which would be minus helmet.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Disguises---true, true. In Slave Ship, Fett dresses as one of those miner people when he was working "with" Bossk. Yes, in his trade--scars could come from anywhere. :)

Sorry, its still not working. :/
Here ya go, True.
Hope that helps.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
One of the reasons that Fett hides his face is that it is the face of the clone wars, a secret best kept on the downlow. It's alright that Dengar and the others saw Boba's face because it was beyond Fett's control, and because their not old enough to realize the connection, (though that's arguable, I'll admit). I think it was genius to make Fett the clone material, Lucas's moment of brilliance. It's also too cool that Dooku finished raising Boba, and never trained him in the Force, even though Fett is force sensitive.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
How is Fett Force-sensitive, and when did Tyrannus raise him?
I agree. When did Dooku ever raise Boba? Dooku took Boba in for maybe a day or two but abandonded him right after that. As for being Force sensative, years ago I wandered back and forth thinking he was and wasn't. But even when I thought he was I always figured it was very low. As in he's only a hair above the average person.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I didn't even know Dooku took Boba in at all---what book/comic is that information in? I'd like to read it if I can get a hold of the material. It does seem only natural since Jango was working for (well, "working") Dooku at the time of his death. As for force-sensitivity, I had never heard of Boba being force-sensitive, though it would be an interesting twist.
I just like how some characters had seemed to never even thought of wanting to see under the mask. Most are transfixed on the mask and what it represents, they don't care about his actual face--the mask is intimidating enough without looking into the actual eyes, the cold glare of the most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy.
Oh--the pic--shouldn't he be holding his rifle with his right hand? And no, I too agree that he wouldn't take his helmet off to greet Lando, but still a well-drawn pic.
The book where Dooku has Boba is actually two books. It starts at the end of The Fight to Survive and ends at the beginning of Crossfire. (Books 1 and 2 of the young Boba Fett series)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Ahh okay--thanks! I don't have any of those books yet.
Actually, Boba IS Force sensitive. Its far higher then a normal person (why else would he be as good as he is?), but its not as high as the Jedi level. So training him would be pointless anyways.
Where was that stated? As hor him holding his blaster in his left hand, it is possible that he is ambidextrous.
Yeah, as far as I know it was never actually stated that Boba's Force Sensative, so I'm curious about that too.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
We also see Boba Fett unmasked in Star Wars tales, remember? Also, he is unmasked in New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force, when he introduces himself to Han Solo under the false name of "Hurn".
I too am curious about his force-sensitivity...?

I have never heard anything about him being force-sensitive. Otherwise every clone trooper would've been force-sensitive as well, since the only difference between them and Boba was behavior modification and rapid aging. And Dooku didn't raise Boba, either. Like Miba was saying, it's in the first two young Boba Fett novels, but he didn't stay with Dooku long at all, after being delivered there by Aurra Sing. A a few days, at best. He pretty much escaped as soon as he could, when the Republic attacked his stronghold. That's how Boba ended up with the Republic orphans for a while.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Admittedly, I haven't read the second of the Young Fett books, so I didn't know that he didn't stay with Dooku for ten years. Thanks, Miba, for helping with that.
About his Force sensitivity, I saw a write up of Boba Fett for the Star Wars RPG, (the original pre-d20 system), long ago, and he was listed as untrained but with nine dark side points! So this means that whenever he wants to excell in something, all he has to do is get pissed off, which is hardly a change in his normal behavior, and exert his will. It is an inert, latent ability for him, that he doesn't really understand. Conan the Barbarian had latent psionic talents (wild empathy and a danger sense) in this fashion. For those who don't know what a dark side point can do when used, it can effectively double, or even triple, your effort to achieve something. The clones minds are tampered with, so perhaps they can't access their abilities in the Force. Perhaps this means that they don't even have the sensitivity any longer. I can't fairly speculate on it without reading all that's written on the subject, but it makes sense to me so far. The old Star Wars game didn't rate Fett's level of sensitivity as compared to what's needed for Jedi/Sith training, but that's because it just wasn't part of the game. You either had it or you didn't, and it was a skill to be developed through experience and leveling. Nine points was a lot of power to play with!
Please excuse my wandering far off the topic.
I wouldn't want to see Fett's face while he still breathed. That would have a drastic psychological effect to my Happy Place, knowing that I'm drawing my last breath! Perhaps he was meaning to scare Lando out of his mind to effect his draw speed...
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?

Please excuse my wandering far off the topic.
Don't worry about it. I think this would make a great topic for discussion. I'll start it off in another thread [Do you think Boba Fett is Force sensitive and why?] for all who are interested.
And welcome to the boards, John.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
True Warrior wrote:Sorry, its still not working. :/
Here ya go, True.
Hope that helps.
Yes, the exact one I thought it was. Do you see hs head turned ever so slightly? Thats Fett. And do ya see his glairing eyes? Thats Fett. Everything about this pic tells me that this is Boba's face!
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Sadriel_Fett wrote:True Warrior wrote:Sorry, its still not working. :/
Here ya go, True.
Hope that helps.
Yes, the exact one I thought it was. Do you see hs head turned ever so slightly? Thats Fett. And do ya see his glairing eyes? Thats Fett. Everything about this pic tells me that this is Boba's face!
SOO TRUE SOO TRUE......that is an awesome pic.....and you're right about that tilting the head thing....one of Fetts habits.

This was taken at the recent Disney Star Wars shindig. I thought it was a very nice nod to the scene from Attack of the Clones. Enjoy.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
WOW!! I like the feeling behind that...nice
Hmmn... Is that Jeremy Bulloch?
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
Looks like it could be

Hmmn... Is that Jeremy Bulloch?
Yes. For more on Jeremy, please see Ask Jeremy and JeremyBulloch.com.
haha! more advertising. :D AARON!! PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!! I sent you the song!!! Email me back or something, dude!!!! :o
Carry on..........
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Thanks for the sites, BFFC Admin. They're just what I've been asking for at Xmas since the Battle of Endor.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
What's up with that fold out thing at the top of his rifle stock, (the part that sticks out towards his arm)? I've never seen anything like that anywhere else, and I don't like it. It would get in the way, hindering speed and movement. It's certainly not on his gun in the show.
I'm always imagined Boba to look like Sam Neill (the original Damien Thorn (Omen), Jurassic Park, In The Mouth Of Madness, Event Horizon). Any thoughts on this?
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
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