My Name is named after a certain song I heard that kinda described the True Warrior, Boba Fett.
My Avatar.......Well....... you have to be kinda stupid to not figure that one out.
Topic: What do your Names and Avatars mean?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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My name is my SW name. Miba. In fact some people in RL call me Miba.
My avatar is one of my favorite pics of Boba. From the second I first saw it I was like, "That is so romantic looking, I could so stand there kissing him in that pic..." :P Now I just think it's a really nice picture.
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My name means, ummmmmmmm................................... an ARC trooper that lived after the clone wars and got mando armor then called himself Fett!!! HA!! and my avatar speaks for itself
hehe made that up as i went
mine is bobathekid becaause i like the old west and boba kindof reminds the old west and my avatar well i like the bantha skull a lot im even going get tatoued on my arm.
I just came up with my name.....i dont just sounded kool so i used it. Of course, im Mandalorian.......I guess I'm good with spying/stealth,etc.....and 9 is my soccer number and my favorite. Add em all up....ya get MandalorianSpy9......and the avatar is from Empire Strikes Back.......where Boba is leading the way to his ship to store his new possession (frozen han).
Draco is latin for dragon, and my avatar is Mandalore the Indomitable.

Oh, no offense but I thought that your avatar was a rock! Then I saw a T-shaped visor, and then I thought it was some kind of Mandalorian rock head.......guy :D. Now I finally know. Thats cool.
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Depending on which week it is, I had a single avatar for an hour once and then changed it. For this week, it's Kakashi Sensei of the leaf village from Naruto. Well, my name is the main character in a fan-fic i'm writing. Hoping to get it published.
(BFFC Moderator)
Well, my name is in honor of Atin, RC-3222, from the Republic Commando books, and my avatar is of my baby, Tank.
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
Oh, no offense but I thought that your avatar was a rock! Then I saw a T-shaped visor, and then I thought it was some kind of Mandalorian rock head.......guy :D. Now I finally know. Thats cool.
Thank you, but either Miba or Kudar made it. Kakashi is awesome! Do you watch One Piece Maltese?
My friends do, but I don't. Every time I mention something Naruto i get that questin actually.
I've thought about watching it but by that time I was too late in the series, I try and watch shows near the beginning.
(BFFC Moderator)
HA!!! now I can be on this SUBJECT !!
As you can see it's a Bat ..been my nickname for a long time,,short for Batsblood
When I was nursing Sir Robert Hepman he came looking for me ,,and I was taking this Tonic [RED in colour]
as I turned around it drbbled down my mouth.
EEEK!! he said Batsblood !! and it has been with me since then.
WELL you did ask !!!
Hmmm, that's an interresting way to get a nickname...pretty funny 2....
{MW} MS9
Mine is the nickname of a character in my book. My avatar is Sailor Jupiter because she's the sailor scout that looks most like me.
BFFC Moderator
Took atin from Hard Contact and vod from Hard Contact and smushed 'em together to make my character AtinVod and used it for my sn. And as you can see I haven't got an avatar.

huh, thats interesting.......and the name Atinvod isn't that bad for a fusion name. :)
True Warrior {MW}
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huh, thats interesting.......and the name Atinvod isn't that bad for a fusion name. :)
True Warrior {MW}
I agree, it's pretty cool. Interresting where you got it from...
{MW} MS9
My name is from Futurama's Humorbot 5.0
so its mainly a homage to that.
Its also got something to do with my witty and Humorous mind, although thats more of a daily life thing rather than a message board thing ;)
The avatar is from "Fett's Vette" 's music video.
I like that song and have got the original, the Good, The Badd and The Ugly one from the Video
and the uncensored Good the Badd and the Ugly one....
That song is a real classic....
Cool beans.
My name is my gaming handle, which originally was a Star Wars fusion name of Garris Shrike (Fagin to young Han Solo) and Dannik Jerriko (Anzat soul-eater), Shrike Jerriko. It was a pretty good name, but I got tired of it after gaming with it for a year or so, and at one LAN I randomly decided to switch to BalanceSheet, my favorite character from the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy. It was so completely random, given that none of my friends know who he is and considered it more in relation to spreadsheets and finances, that I decided to keep it.
My Avatar is my favorite anime character, Paladin Anderson, from the new Hellsing Ultimate release. He's crazy, and the only human who can go head-to-head with Alucard.
-Captian Murphy
My name is from Stephen King's Dark Tower series, the first King books I read and what really got me hooked on him. The first book in the series was called The Gunslinger, as it revolves around a man who wears dual six-shooters on his belt and is pretty much the coolest character ever created.
Wait, I lied. The coolest character ever created would be Richard B. Riddick, who is featured in my avatar. He is an escaped convict who is the focus of the Riddick trilogy: the movies Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick and the video game Escape from Butcher Bay, which is just about the best game ever. Anyway, he's dark, ruthless and astoundingly cool, pretty much what Fett would be like were he stripped of all his gear and thrown into prison. Just too cool for words :cool:

Oh, really? I thought it was named after Jango. :/ I mean, you'd think that, right?
I also saw this artist/rapper named The Gunslinger. I dont know any of his songs, I just saw it. I'll check it out.
......Carry on.....
{MW} TW :cool:
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Mine means "She-Bear". It was my SCA name (I played a 10th century viking in a mercenary group).
The Avatar is a Tribute to Fett, a mysterious man with a taste for danger.
well my new avatar (thanks miba) is from mgs3 i love that game and i cant whait for mgs4
it looks pretty sweet i might add....oops this should have gone under avatar rating thread... my b back to subject...
{MW} MS9
Well, I like fairies and vampires. And it's also a nod to my mother.
As for my avie, it's my favorite character from Mortal Kombat. Scorpion.
Cuz he's an undead ninja that's hellbent on revenge. And a bad ass. And he's got a harpoon. And flaming backflippy. And white eyes. Did I mention he's a ninja?
I played a 10th century viking in a mercenary group.
Wow, then our personas could have met each other, since mine was a trader.
BFFC Moderator
My real name is Diana so I just twisted the spelling a bit for a screen name. And I don't remember where I found my avatar... :P So here is the larger pic
I love that pic, Daenna. I think it was in Insider, originally.
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Yeah, its kinda funny:D But why dey be makin Boba Fett look like a piece of old bolts? :/
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
Because Warrior !!! he is in a Retirement Home and Bats did
note the Donut !!
Daenna that is a great Avatar,
My mane is just the l33t spelling of the word "fear".
My avatar changes constantly, but now it's Ghost Rider from the Marvel comic, just 'cause he's cool. most of my ava's are spidey related, or comic related.
My avatar changes constantly, but now it's Ghost Rider from the Marvel comic, just 'cause he's cool. most of my ava's are spidey related, or comic related.
Geez, you got that right. I come on 2 hours after you post and you have a Daredevil avatar up!
You're mad, sir. And I mean that in the best way possible.
I used to have Fett's vette avatar
but now its commander Cody
I like Commander Cody...

Yeah, I like him too. He's my 3rd favorite charecter. :)
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
Cody is the BEST in ep 3!
Bats, I LOVE the story behind your name!! Haha!!
And Balancesheet... I thought that your avatar was of Wat Tambor for some odd reason. :P
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]

speakin of Balancesheet, I just found out on my own what his name is from. It's Kud'ar Mub'at's accountant, right. :D
{MW} TW :cool:
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-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
Whenever I see that pic of Boba reading the paper, I always think he should be sitting on a dunny :P
Well I think my name's pretty obvious, Mel is short for Melinda. I think the avator speaks for itself (thanks to Aaron for making it for me).
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Ursula wrote:I played a 10th century viking in a mercenary group.
Wow, then our personas could have met each other, since mine was a trader.
Maybe we did.
When were you in, and where? Ever do Pennsic?
Well, both my avatar and screenname are pretty self-explanatory...
My character is what it says!I like Maul,but because when Boba lived Maul didn't,I thought Clone for a more realistic approach!
My avatar is now Exar Kun....

I'm liking the two sided blue saber. ;)
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
Yeah, that is pretty sweet. I've always LOVED the double sided Lightsaber. It intigued me to the point of me having to practice and get good with the plastic one. lol.
{MW} MS9 :cool:

Yeah, I usualy just use the handle on a broom to practice. :P Listen to my ipod while im practicing.
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
yeah, same here sometimes anything will do for a saber....and as far as listening to my iPOD....i listen to stillshot_bobafett...some song under the MP3's here on this gets me pumped up for the swinging.
{MW} MS9 :cool:
I have an actual bo that I like to use for the double-bladed lightsaber fighting. I like using that more than any other type of bladed weapon. Though I'll use a regular sword/lightsaber when I have to. I'm not that skilled at two-lightsabers though, but I'm really good at double bladed.
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I like the "Good Badd and the Ugly" version of Fett's Vette remixed by "Badd Spellah"
Thats the one in the video....

I'll have to look up all of these songs. Thanx for the info!
I got a lil off subject back there, sorry. :D
{MW} TW :D
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
My name is a nick name my cousin gave me and i havent got a avatar yet.
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