Probably a question that’s been asked a lot, but who do we all think was the more skilled bounty hunter; in terms of weaponry, intelligence, physical prowess, technology/equipment, e.t.c.?
In an obviously hypothetical scenario, then, who would win between the two in a serious duel?
What do you all think?
Topic: Who was more skilled- Boba or Jango?
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Personally I believe Boba was more skilled as a bounty hunter, but Jango might actually win in a duel. The reason being that Boba was psychologically more messed up: he survived the sarlacc pit; had many bounties on in his head (even by Jabba in some comics); had to deal with the fall of the only two steady regimes he knew (the Republic and the Empire); and carried a vendetta against Mace Windu for years that consumed him internally and led him down a very dark path.
It’s this reasoning that I think Jango might win- he’s just in a better position to fight, more level-headed and calmer. And Jango killed five Jedi at the battle of Galidraan, soooo…
But it’s still undecided

And yet Boba grew older than Jango and had more fighting experience, so it’s very close…
I think if it was a duel boba would win as Jango taught boba almost all he knew this would give boba the upper hand as he would know Jango tactics

I think if it was a duel boba would win as Jango taught boba almost all he knew this would give boba the upper hand as he would know Jango tactics
But Jango would know what he taught Boba. And his armour is newer and better. Also Jango trained amongst Mandalorian supercommandoes, unlike Boba.

I think Jango is the better warrior but Boba is the better bounty hunter. Like if I were in a straight fight I would rather fight Boba than Jango but if I were hiding somewhere in the galaxy I would rather hide from Jango than Boba.

As much as I love Boba, as a character, I think Jango was probably the better warrior. He was brought up as a warrior in the Mandalorian culture for most of his life. I think the difference between them is like watching that episode of the Mandalorian where Djarin is helping the Nite Owls take the Imperial Cruiser. Djarin is good, but he's way outclassed by the cohesiveness and momentum shown by the highly militarily trained Nite Owls. He's left in the back watching in stunned silence most of the time. I thought that was a perfect episode showing how a Mandalorian unit would move in actual combat; precise, methodical, and deadly.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Even though both are extremely skilled, I’d say Jango. Jango’s armor has a lot more pieces to it makes him stronger and more durable to blaster fire. Not only is he more protected but he seems to use his jet pack a lot more than boba does. So I’d call it a close match but Jango’s Speed and flexibility with weapons and armor can definitely over power boba

Even though both are extremely skilled, I’d say Jango. Jango’s armor has a lot more pieces to it makes him stronger and more durable to blaster fire. Not only is he more protected but he seems to use his jet pack a lot more than boba does. So I’d call it a close match but Jango’s Speed and flexibility with weapons and armor can definitely over power boba
I agree. But it depends on their stages in life. Boba Re-armoured wouldn’t beat Jango but maybe esb boba could win.