Like we did with Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, in advance of the debut episode dropping in less than 12 hours, here is our spot to discuss spoilers and reactions. Nothing on the topic is off topic. Enjoy!
Topic: The Book of Boba Fett Episode 3
Note: this topic was started 3 years ago.
33 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestShort episode was upsetting, but I love his new pet!
We had a legitimate name drop of Black, Boba recruits more people to be directly under him, the twins negotiate, we see Black in action, the Pykes are back in the story, and Boba has a rancor. I know I missed things, but wow. I’m blown away. Cant wait to see what next week has in store
Hoping it picks up again, those 4 biker characters he recruited seem super out of place, looks like something out of Cyberpunk 2077 lol
39 minutes, but subtract 2 for the recap and there's 4.5 minutes of end titles, so it's really a 32.5 minute episode.
Robert Rodriguez directed. Jon Favreau wrote it.
Droid shares plot point of how three "families" make up Mos Espa since Jabba.
Fett hears from a grumpy local about a different gang - a bunch of kids on scooters - who all want to work. Hmm.
Grumpy local says nobody respects Fett...
3rd time (?) seeing the Young Boba Fett flashback, with maybe a second more footage in the beginning and end. Feels a little repetitive.
Flashback Fett is gifted a Bantha. He rides it slowly out of the desert.
Plot points with the "Solo" characters (Pykes) who lost their train.
Fett rides back and most of the Tuskens and their poor Banthas are dead. Fett cremates them.
Black Krrsantan crashes the Palace and knocks everyone around. Fett gets knocked around - bummer.
Krrsantan ends up in the rancor pit.
Fett and Fennec have a feast. Seems out of character - still unclear why Fett wants to be a crime lord and not the best bounty hunter.
Hutts change their mind and gift Fett a rancor, who Fett wants to bond with and ride. Plot point about the Mayor working for the other "family."
Danny Trejo (Rodriguez's long time collaborator) is the rancor keeper.
Fett and Fennec pay a visit to the Mayor after learning he's double crossing them.
Mayor's Majordomo does his usual thing, skips out.
Slowest chase ensues. Plot point moves forward when Majordomo reveals a name. That's it.
One of the kid (with one eye) helpers does some recon, shares the info with Fett. Joke about being one-eyed.
End o' episode...
Trivia: this McQuarrie painting makes a cameo in the show.

The new rancor and Danny Trejo was pretty fun. The Ralph McQuarrie painting was a great Easter egg. The Sand People tribe massacre was kind of expected but altogether brief and honestly didn't pack an emotional punch at all. Didn't feel a thing that they were wiped out. It all seemed too forced, predictable, and abrupt.
I agree with the scooter bike gang seeming completely out of place and just plain weird. During the whole chase scene, all I could think of was "Oh no, it's DEVO!" All they needed were the trademark DEVO "energy dome hats."
I mean, seriously? Shiny little space Vespa's....
I think they made Din Djarin so much like the Boba Fett from the books and comics, they can't use Boba that way now or it'd just seem like they're copying "The Mandalorian" show, even though it's really the other way around. Most of Din Djarin's character traits seem inspired from the more fleshed out Expanded Universe version of Boba Fett we got in the 90's and 00's. They ended up making "The Mandalorian" the Boba Fett series fans wanted, and in doing so, limited themselves with what they can actually do with Boba now in his own show.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Oh I loved this episode.
Couple of highlights:
Boba, instantly adoring that awful beast, making a pet out of it. Seriously it was like watching your cool uncle meeting a labrador or something.
AND there was almost an promise that we are going to see Fett riding a rancor. Fuck yes.
That corny, corny chase. It was rad. All of those cyberpunk kids riding their power rangers scooter, causing a ruckus, great. My GF called it "clumsy but in a good way." I totally agree. It brought back memories from the TV shows I watched in 2003 or something.
Boba, trying to be all around a good leader.
I like the fact the he doesn't seem to be afraid of anything or anyone (probably after the Sarlacc everything seems pretty mild) yet he's trying to be as respectful as he can.
Also: "It's just business."
Ok. If nothing else, Danny freaking Trejo.
I was disappointed by the tusken slaughter because 1, too soon. Needed more character development with the chief, warrior, and kid. And 2, no build up, just kinda happens, Boba finds it, cleans up, and moves on.
The flashbacks have been the best parts for me so far, love seeing kamino. Curious to see where I goes from here.
Armored Boba needs to fight more in the present. We finally, sort of, got to see him fly, but he needed to be more active in that pursuit to inspire respect and loyalty.
Some of it just feels like he’s reading how to be a crime lord for dummies.
Enjoyable episode sad to see the Tuskan tribe wiped out already. Definitely do not trust the Rancor.
Fight scene with Black Krrstan was great and very well done my favourite part of the episode!
Not sure what to think of Boba's mod squad biker gang, thought the chase scene was very silly but fun nonetheless lol
For the most part this was all around a great episode, but Boba really needs to keep his helmet on I mean people want to kill him and at this point he’s asking for it and hopefully he won’t need to use his Bacta tank for much longer and, Fett seems to nice for my liking he told fennic when she threatened the mayors greeter, wasn’t that a bit much or something like that which is lame and why didn’t boba end that slow chase by flying and shooting a missile at the speeder would have been much faster! But the talk with the hutts and the rancor was awesome! Look forward to that and hopefully he will actually wear his helmet more often cause if you don’t have your armor for 5 years and finally get it back you would think he wouldn’t wanna take it off as much and he is so much more intimidating with it on and black k was incredible so cool to see him in action and it was sad seeing the tuskens wiped out so soon but all the things pointing to the water taxers is exiting for the Kenobi show since he fought them in the comics to protect Luke so maybe we will see that happen in his show but back to Boba, I’ve seen enough kamino flashbacks it seems repetitive at this point and I really just hope Boba steps up his game cause fennic is a lot better than he is right now she is actually badass but Boba seems weak and that’s something that bothers me, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself and look forward to next week. helmet nod
I've been so underwhelmed by the whole series so far, this one especially. I never thought of Fett as a "bad guy" but this has him go too far the other way. It's like watching the Mandalorian, but with my expectations shattered. Other than the Rancor, this episode was a total dud for me.

Anyone else catch this? ;-)
"I've ridden beasts ten times its size."
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
That was my first thought, although he is much nicer to the rancor.
Anyone else catch this? ;-)
"I've ridden beasts ten times its size."

Also, someone pointed out online the obvious Back to the Future chase and ending, except with that fruit from Lothal in SW: Rebels instead of a manure cart.
One of my buddies and I have been reading and catching up on the War of the Bounty Hunters comics, lately. We were talking about who might have ordered the hit on Fett, if not the Hutts, and who the Pykes needed to speak with about Fett's terms. I'm more and more expecting a cameo from Qi'ra and Crimson Dawn, with them holding the leash of the Pyke Syndicate.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Rangefinder bent -_-
Also the public comm terminal the biker uses is a nice call back to The Faithful Wookiee too
This episode was definitely a filler. This is unfortunate unless there is going to be a second season, which in my humble opinion I think is doubtful considering the amount of new series yet to be released and the fact that Disney clearly is not focused on this series. Anyway, overall I thought it was decent. Definitely the least great of the three, but not horrible. I definitely think they need to man Boba up, he's getting tossed around too much (yes, I know being in the Sarlacc sucks, literally, and I know it was Krrsantan, but still) and too easily.
The new Rancor hopefully hints at some AWESOME scenes coming up, and will definitely boost his image with the locals. Loved that bit.
Yeah, the speeder scene wasn't great. I don't know why, but Rodriguez just isn't killing it with the series he basically created. I'm sure it will only get better from here, but I hope Rodriguez gets to shine instead of just directing the fillers. SERIOUSLY, HE STILL HASN'T SHOT HIS EE-3!! WTF?!
So yeah, filler episode. It happened, probably has little rewatchablity, but it's there. So is the Rancor.
Great discussion here, everyone! Love the wide variety of critique.
jbradrose, so true about the EE-3. Why not some sure-thing fan service / low hanging fruit moments rather than meandering through the unknown almost exclusively?
Yeah, it's somewhat frustrating. But I guess that's what happens when all the books and old canon get whitewashed. They seem to be hyping up some things a bit subtly, like Jango, which would be another awesome scene if that happens. I also feel like the Mandalorian stole a ton of what this show could've been, and TBOBF might not have existed at all if it weren't for the masterpiece of a return episode he got, WHICH also brings up the question where has Rodriguez been? I hope he gets more episodes with some action. Maybe Dave too.
Ok, one second, I have to take some things back.
I was browsing around Reddit, clicked on the BOBF subreddit page, and read this post.
I think y'all should definitely read it because it brings a lot of things to light that we're not focusing on right now. I'll just say I take back almost everything bad I said about the show. This, believe it or not, is what we wanted. We ASKED for this. Complain about bad CGI and out-of-place characters all you want, but this one article will hopefully show you that this is exactly the show we wanted, we just forgot.
Ok, one second, I have to take some things back.
I was browsing around Reddit, clicked on the BOBF subreddit page, and read this post. think y'all should definitely read it because it brings a lot of things to light that we're not focusing on right now. I'll just say I take back almost everything bad I said about the show. This, believe it or not, is what we wanted. We ASKED for this. Complain about bad CGI and out-of-place characters all you want, but this one article will hopefully show you that this is exactly the show we wanted, we just forgot.
Ya know it really depends on what your perception is of Boba. For point of reference I grew up with the og trilogy. So it was Jason Wingreen voicing. I don't care if its makes more sense to have Temuera for continuity. I will always hold dear to my heart Wingreen's performance. And that iteration of the character. A man of view words...does his job collects his money. The gunslinger. Clint Eastwood in space. That's the Boba I know and love. Obviously for many reason we can't have that with the character now. They put a face to him. And what is curious is Mando was kind of Boba Fett lite to me. As a fan what I (and many others wanted) was something akin to what you had with the Karl Urban Dredd movie that came out in 2012. Never takes of the helmet. Granted that cannot happen because Temeura is that character now.
It would have been interesting if Robert Rodriguez made BOBF 20 years ago. When he was still dangerous as a director. I feel now with age and children he has softened. Yes, they have make the show accessible for kids. But that speeder chase reeked of Spy Kids to me. But imagine what it would have been like in Rodriguez' heyday....
I'm still watching and will continue to watch, but I've always been in the camp of less is more with Boba.
came back to this forum cuz of this show, hopefully more we will see
jbradrose wrote:Ok, one second, I have to take some things back.
I was browsing around Reddit, clicked on the BOBF subreddit page, and read this post. think y'all should definitely read it because it brings a lot of things to light that we're not focusing on right now. I'll just say I take back almost everything bad I said about the show. This, believe it or not, is what we wanted. We ASKED for this. Complain about bad CGI and out-of-place characters all you want, but this one article will hopefully show you that this is exactly the show we wanted, we just forgot.
Ya know it really depends on what your perception is of Boba. For point of reference I grew up with the og trilogy. So it was Jason Wingreen voicing. I don't care if its makes more sense to have Temuera for continuity. I will always hold dear to my heart Wingreen's performance. And that iteration of the character. A man of view words...does his job collects his money. The gunslinger. Clint Eastwood in space. That's the Boba I know and love. Obviously for many reason we can't have that with the character now. They put a face to him. And what is curious is Mando was kind of Boba Fett lite to me. As a fan what I (and many others wanted) was something akin to what you had with the Karl Urban Dredd movie that came out in 2012. Never takes of the helmet. Granted that cannot happen because Temeura is that character now.
It would have been interesting if Robert Rodriguez made BOBF 20 years ago. When he was still dangerous as a director. I feel now with age and children he has softened. Yes, they have make the show accessible for kids. But that speeder chase reeked of Spy Kids to me. But imagine what it would have been like in Rodriguez' heyday....
I'm still watching and will continue to watch, but I've always been in the camp of less is more with Boba.
Yes, I do agree. But at least this is the best we get right now, the 40-year gap really messes with everything.

jbradrose wrote:Ok, one second, I have to take some things back.
I was browsing around Reddit, clicked on the BOBF subreddit page, and read this post. think y'all should definitely read it because it brings a lot of things to light that we're not focusing on right now. I'll just say I take back almost everything bad I said about the show. This, believe it or not, is what we wanted. We ASKED for this. Complain about bad CGI and out-of-place characters all you want, but this one article will hopefully show you that this is exactly the show we wanted, we just forgot.
Ya know it really depends on what your perception is of Boba. For point of reference I grew up with the og trilogy. So it was Jason Wingreen voicing. I don't care if its makes more sense to have Temuera for continuity. I will always hold dear to my heart Wingreen's performance. And that iteration of the character. A man of view words...does his job collects his money. The gunslinger. Clint Eastwood in space. That's the Boba I know and love. Obviously for many reason we can't have that with the character now. They put a face to him. And what is curious is Mando was kind of Boba Fett lite to me. As a fan what I (and many others wanted) was something akin to what you had with the Karl Urban Dredd movie that came out in 2012. Never takes of the helmet. Granted that cannot happen because Temeura is that character now.
It would have been interesting if Robert Rodriguez made BOBF 20 years ago. When he was still dangerous as a director. I feel now with age and children he has softened. Yes, they have make the show accessible for kids. But that speeder chase reeked of Spy Kids to me. But imagine what it would have been like in Rodriguez' heyday....
I'm still watching and will continue to watch, but I've always been in the camp of less is more with Boba.
Funny you should bring up Dredd. We were watching Dredd the other day and I immediately thought the same thing. As my wife and I were discussing why this was so much better than Stallone's version, my first thought was he never removes his helmet. I don't mind them showing Boba removing his helmet from time to time. Heck, even Jango did it. But, they certainly do it more often than they should. He should probably only do it within Jabba's palace, and not out in public where he's exposed.
I agree with the "less is more," when it comes to Boba. I felt that, so far, the most "Boba Fett" moment in the show is when they bring the assassin back to the mayor. As the mayor's aide keeps giving him excuses, he just stands there and says nothing. It's disquieting and extremely menacing. You can tell that even the mayor's aide knows what's going to happen to him next, if he doesn't let them in to see the mayor.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
My brother has classified him as a thus far..."incompetent bumbler" ...and from a business stand point he kind of has been. And maybe the point they might be getting across is that since hanging with the raiders Boba doesn't want to be a slim ball anymore and wants to be respected rather than feared (as he said)...but perhaps he is going to have to go back to his old..pre-sarlaac ways? In my dream of dreams that would be the arc...and wouldn't be the arc we'd predicted of him being noble. He goes back to being a bounty hunter & goes back to this character we've known about in legend. I would love that. Again it's tricky because Disney (All hail house of mouse) has done this awful thing in the past 10 years of humanizing villains which is a terrible idea. (Cruella comes to mind) And there's a lot more to be digested I'm sure. I await eagerly each new episode...but please no more Spy Kids speeder bikes... :). ....ALSO...has anyone talked about how Boba still has his blaster? Like in half? Ooorrr is that a story for another time? :I
This is so much more constructive than the Facebook posts, so glad I finally joined after lurking since I was 9 lol I’ve loved every episode, and I know they are building towards something big, which I’m suited for. Mando had plenty of “okay” filler episodes so I’m not surprised we’ve gotten one (Ice spider planet sticks out to me). I think they better have some Badass Boba moments coming since they are just keeping us chomping at the bit.
jbradrose, good perspective of course. Most here are optimistic and seeing where they're going with this show.
Iron_Dan, awesome! Glad to have you here. That's the best part vs. Facebook "conversations."

ALSO...has anyone talked about how Boba still has his blaster? Like in half? Ooorrr is that a story for another time? :I
It's a different blaster carbine. He uses a different EE-3 blaster in ESB, ROTJ, and now the one in the Mando/ Book series is a third variant.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
This is so much more constructive than the Facebook posts, so glad I finally joined after lurking since I was 9 lol I’ve loved every episode, and I know they are building towards something big, which I’m suited for. Mando had plenty of “okay” filler episodes so I’m not surprised we’ve gotten one (Ice spider planet sticks out to me). I think they better have some Badass Boba moments coming since they are just keeping us chomping at the bit.
I know right! Honestly, most Star Wars fans are too quick to jump the gun and call it all crap after the AMAZING second episode we just got. It weighs you down and makes you actually think it is all "garbage", which I am also guilty of. Glad to see the actually CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and optimacy here.
But where he get it?
covermeporkins wrote:ALSO...has anyone talked about how Boba still has his blaster? Like in half? Ooorrr is that a story for another time? :I
It's a different blaster carbine. He uses a different EE-3 blaster in ESB, ROTJ, and now the one in the Mando/ Book series is a third variant.
Its nice to see some positivity around the BOBF, but for me Episode 3 was shocking. Yes some nice Touches (we know what they are) but Boba himself is being portrayed as a weak Sap.
I have been a life long fan O Boba and all I see is up to now the character being destroyed right in front of mu eyes.
jbradrose, good perspective of course. Most here are optimistic and seeing where they're going with this show.
Iron_Dan, awesome! Glad to have you here. That's the best part vs. Facebook "conversations."
For those interested, all of Fett's lines from Chapter 3 were transcribed:
In this episode, I like the part of when Boba Fett was wearing his blaster at night recruiting, but I don’t like the scene of Boba petting the beast. Overall this is a great episode.