Topic: Boba Fett LEGO Mosaic

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Topic #4792
January 6, 2022 10:10 am #

I only just recently discovered this community after finding the BBFC twitter account. Wow! I's amazing to see how much creativity there is. So much amazing work! I wanted to contribute my own Boba Fett mosaic, which I created based on the title image from Eric Demeusy's excellent fan film The New Republic Anthology .

I really enjoy LEGO and I have recently gotten into designing my own mosaics. Each one has a certain amount of dimensionality acheived through layering plates and tiles. This allows for some more subtle color variations as well as making the subject really pop. I hope you all enjoy!

February 2, 2022 11:08 am #

Really like this, and that it's your avatar as well!

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