January 18, 2022 9:52 am # 
Like we did with Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, and Chapter 3, in advance of the debut episode dropping in less than 15 hours, here is our spot to discuss spoilers and reactions. Nothing on the topic is off topic. Enjoy!

- "The Gathering Storm" is the episode title
- 49 minutes (including 2-minute opening recap and approx. 4 minutes of end credits ... so 43 minutes of show)
- Slave I (introduced by Boba to Fennec as "my Firespray gunship") makes a big appearance
- Sarlacc vs. Slave I, literally
- IMDb was wrong: Bryce Dallas Howard was rumored, but not confirmed; not the director of this episode but instead it was Kevin Tancharoen, a young-ish 37-year old with a bunch of TV credits – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Tancharoen
- Sound effects editor David W. Collins was excited to hype up the upcoming episode, quote retweeting our post earlier today; seismic blast and other great sounds
Founder/Editor, BFFC
January 19, 2022 12:58 am (Edited January 19, 2022 01:11 am) # Teasing us with war and then not getting it kind of irked me, but, we have 3 more episodes. Hopefully he hires more muscle soon and we get to see him be badass in in his armor :) Still have a few questions they NEED to answer. Like, how long was he in the Sarlacc for and how extensive is the damage he’s sustained in the pit? Also FIRST POST!!!!
January 19, 2022 1:35 am # So who all noticed a familiar theme song mixed in when Fennec said they could hire muscle?
January 19, 2022 1:51 am # Got chills several times in this episode, what a ride. That mando music at the end also! Hopefully we we see an army of mandalorians soon and maybe some other hunters as well- boba did say he was fed up with his kind dying for stupid reasons. I wonder if he will make house bounty hunter? Pretty excited for next week now!!
January 19, 2022 1:52 am # Missed opportunity in this scene with the Sarlacc to show how the character get back his left knee pad
January 19, 2022 2:29 am # Seemed like a pretty big jump forward in time from his last flashback to this one. We know Mandalorian takes place 5 years after ROTJ. So, the previous flashbacks are all well before that, so far. Figure the Tuskens found Fett a few days after the battle of the Sarlacc. I mean the Jawas wouldn't have taken years to find and sift through the wreckage. His entrance into Mos Eisley is the first time we probably get a glimpse as to how long he was among the Sand People. We see the civilians just now putting the Stormtrooper helmets on pikes (that we originally saw in Mandalorian). So, that suggests the time frame is fairly recent to the destruction of the second Death Star and the Empire has only recently fallen. Since they show us in Mandalorian the events in Mos Pelgo take place around the same time as the destruction of the Death Star II, we can assume Cobb Vanth is just now getting Boba Fett's armor from the Jawa's that they scavenged or he may already have it at the point Boba Fett rides into Mos Eisley to speak with the Pykes. So, since the events in Mando season 1 are five years later, I guess we're made to believe Boba's been living the nomadic life in the desert for quite a while before he finds Fennec. This is kind of reinforced when Boba and Fennec are hovering over the Sarlacc and he says "that's where I was trapped all those years ago." I did like the segue tying the flashback into the end scene from the Mandalorian episode with Fennec Shand. The Mod kids again, though.....just ugh....
Enjoyed seeing one of those recon probes in action. They mention those in the Republic Commando novels a few times, so I'm guessing someone's been catching up on the Karen Traviss books. Enjoyed watching the Slave 1 coming up behind the swoop bike gang and tearing into them. Revenge served up, courtesy of Boba Fett. The Sarlacc scene was a surprise, but neat nonetheless. I never get tired of those seismic charges. I also enjoyed watching the dynamic develop between Boba and Fennec.
Picking up Krrsantan as even more hired muscle was an obvious and welcome choice. I'm sure everyone got goose bumps at the end, when Fennec mentioned knowing where to find more hired muscle and you hear the familiar musical grif from The Mandalorian theme. I was wondering if they'd show Din Djarin in the Boba Fett series, so we may get our wish with that. Even better, would be a whole bunch of hired Mandalorian muscle. Maybe the survivors of Djarin's old Mando Covert? It would be cool to see them show up again. Perhaps Bo-Katan's group of Mando's? I would think she'd be too involved trying to retake Mandalore, though. Now, showing some "hired muscle" in the form of some old familiar ESB bounty hunters would just be freaking mind blowing. A cameo of Embo or some "other" bounty hunters from The Clone Wars would be cool, too. Crossing my fingers on that one.
Everyone's been curious what the significance of the new black killstripe on his helmet was for. After this episode, I'm wondering if it wasn't for the Sarlacc?
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
January 19, 2022 2:29 am # When Mando's theme played at the end *chef's kiss*
January 19, 2022 3:02 am # Starwarsnerd574 wrote:So who all noticed a familiar theme song mixed in when Fennec said they could hire muscle?
I was just coming here to say this exact thing!
January 19, 2022 3:24 am # Episode 4 was good but im still thinking flashbacks should've been handled differently because it made the pace kinda slow, although they were a good backstory for the character (still prefer the Dengar one tho).
At least I think we can all assume that next 3 episodes are gonna be fire, hopefully we can finally see badass armor Boba again now that he's confirmed fully recovered. Cameos from other legendary bounty hunters are expected too, personally wishing Bossk appears.
January 19, 2022 8:37 am # Sadriel_Fett wrote:Enjoyed seeing one of those recon probes in action. They mention those in the Republic Commando novels a few times, so I'm guessing someone's been catching up on the Karen Traviss books.
where can i see this mention?
I finished Republic Commando#2 last month (no japanese localisation so it was a bit difficult book for me) and I realy would like to see legacy of Karen Traviss in this show.
Now, as Boba sat in the pilot's seat of Slave1, it felt like a piece of the puzzle had been filled in.
The fennec shand sitting next to him reminded him of the game "Bounty Hunter" zam wesell used to sit there.
January 19, 2022 10:35 am # What a solid episode. The Slave 1 action was solid, Fennec being inducted was really well done. Nothing felt cheesy or out of place in this episode.
I really liked how as soon as he got Slave 1 back, he wanted to avenge the Tuskens.
January 19, 2022 10:47 am (Edited January 19, 2022 10:48 am) # Wonderful episode really enjoyed that! Great to finally see Boba use his ship and wipe out the biker gang in revenge then his insane attempt to get back his armour in the Sarlacc lol.
Looks like Boba is fully healed its coming together nicely now
January 19, 2022 11:24 am # deadmansswitch wrote:Sadriel_Fett wrote:Enjoyed seeing one of those recon probes in action. They mention those in the Republic Commando novels a few times, so I'm guessing someone's been catching up on the Karen Traviss books.
where can i see this mention?
I finished Republic Commando#2 last month (no japanese localisation so it was a bit difficult book for me) and I realy would like to see legacy of Karen Traviss in this show.
Now, as Boba sat in the pilot's seat of Slave1, it felt like a piece of the puzzle had been filled in.
The fennec shand sitting next to him reminded him of the game "Bounty Hunter" zam wesell used to sit there.
Here you go. They more often called them "Recces" in the books and mention them fitting in the palm of your hand. In the older Clone Wars micro-series, Captain Fordo used one of these droids to scope out an ion cannon battery during their attack on Muunilinst.
It has which books they're referenced in down in the "Appearances" section. I didn't realize they showed a pic of one in the Star Wars Tales comics. That's exactly what it looked like on the show, as well, only with red lights. Pretty cool.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
January 19, 2022 5:06 pm # I couldn't imagine being more disappointed with this series, I'm having the same kind of emotions I had after having watched The Last Jedi for the first time. Fett has just become a cliched Disney character, not this bad ass lone gunman for hire I'd come to love. He spends far too much time out of his armour and with his helmet off, he has yet to use his EE-3 blaster carbine, only seen him use his jetpack once. The way they introduced him in season two of The Mandalorian gave me hope. Maybe now he no longer needs Bacta treatment we won't have to put up with these tedious dream sequences.
I heard the Mandalorian music at the end of this episode, I don't want to see Din Djarin, I've had two whole series of him, give me Dengar, Bossk, IG-88, Zuckuss and 4-LOM.
I've ranted enough, I know most people will disagree with me, which is fine, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I guess I set my expectations way too high.
January 19, 2022 6:25 pm # The scene in the kitchen was worse than the moped chase from episode 3. Why do they keep showing scenes that make Boba Fett look like a chump? Also, backing Slave 1 out of a parking space shouldn’t be that hard. Now that he is fully healed he needs to start fighting better and using his tech to get some wins.
January 19, 2022 6:55 pm # TerryCox wrote:I couldn't imagine being more disappointed with this series, I'm having the same kind of emotions I had after having watched The Last Jedi for the first time. Fett has just become a cliched Disney character, not this bad ass lone gunman for hire I'd come to love. He spends far too much time out of his armour and with his helmet off, he has yet to use his EE-3 blaster carbine, only seen him use his jetpack once. The way they introduced him in season two of The Mandalorian gave me hope. Maybe now he no longer needs Bacta treatment we won't have to put up with these tedious dream sequences.
I heard the Mandalorian music at the end of this episode, I don't want to see Din Djarin, I've had two whole series of him, give me Dengar, Bossk, IG-88, Zuckuss and 4-LOM.
I've ranted enough, I know most people will disagree with me, which is fine, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I guess I set my expectations way too high.
No I don’t think you set your expectations too high. I don’t understand how Disney can release comics of everything we know and expect of Boba Fett from the Vader comics to the new War of the Bounty Hunter ones. They really screwed it up, it’s too steam-punk/Dr.Who for Star Wars.
They are trying to develop a character that has already had all the development he’s needed. He was raised to be the best warrior in the galaxy by his father before the clone wars and then had his training finished by several other greats during the clone wars and from then on just made a name for himself as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. He can’t go from killing people who hurt his reputation or killing people after getting what he wants from them, regardless of their age or species, to being a merciful wondering monk of Tatooine.
I know I’m new to the club, but Boba Fett has been my favorite character in Star Wars ever since I first watched it, like my mother before me. They changed him and gave him and a bad name for those who don’t really know who he is.
January 20, 2022 2:03 am # Another kinda fine episode. I have to admit though, I do miss the bounty hunter Boba Fett, but I can settle for a green-ish mafioso Boba Fett.
I do get the feeling that we are building up to Boba-who-wrecks-shit in the last two or three episodes. He's now fully healed and flashbacks are over.
Oh well, if this show doesn't deliver, we'll always have The Mandalorian (which is what this show should have been) and Death, Lies, and Treachery comic series (which is for my money, the definite Boba Fett story)
January 20, 2022 6:08 am # I liked this episode more than 3 (Hi, I'm the Jess who wrote the BFFC review for Episode 3); although it's not perfect, it was entertaining and provided much needed insights regarding Boba's motivations for his current path.
I feel now that the references to Jango in flashbacks have been hinting at Boba's desire to leave the bounty hunting profession. In those flashbacks, Jango is referenced, but is not explicitly there. The helmet and ship seen in his flashbacks are more like 'ghosts' than proper references to the character himself. It's a reminder that Jango is long dead, and that he died on the job. Boba himself says he's tired of seeing people in his profession die because some idiot with more money threw credits at them. And it makes a lot of sense! Jango, his father, died because Count Dooku had employed him as the clone template, and he paid for that decision with his life in his attempt to protect Dooku at the arena on Geonosis.
Boba had an extremely close encounter with death through the Sarlacc. His falling into the Sarlacc was an occupational hazard, one that damaged him substantially -- only, unlike his father, he survived. And through survival, he re-evaluated his choices, his profession. He came to realize if he continued working for idiots like Jabba the Hutt, he'd end up dying for one of them.
I appreciated from this episode we finally learned what's driving Boba and how that connects to his past experiences and trauma.
January 20, 2022 7:12 am # Sadriel_Fett wrote:
Here you go. They more often called them "Recces" in the books and mention them fitting in the palm of your hand. In the older Clone Wars micro-series, Captain Fordo used one of these droids to scope out an ion cannon battery during their attack on Muunilinst.
It has which books they're referenced in down in the "Appearances" section. I didn't realize they showed a pic of one in the Star Wars Tales comics. That's exactly what it looked like on the show, as well, only with red lights. Pretty cool.
kandosii! Thnak you, Ner vod.
January 20, 2022 7:18 am # I think the series is being compromised by only being seven episodes long. The balance between action and the story seems off with the storyline they have gone with needing longer than they have to develop fully and not enough decent action in between to compensate for this.
Episode 4 suffered quite a bit because of this - racing through Boba's meeting with Fennac, recovery of his ship, revenge for the deaths of the Sand People, destruction of the Sarlacc and bringing back Krrsantan. I'm hoping it was all necessary to set up an amazing end to the series in the next three episodes but this instalment felt disjointed and rushed to me with some of the scene choices seeming odd - The Thundercat cameo, operating on Fennac like an 80's episode of MacGyver whilst listening to 90's Techno was just plain weird.
January 20, 2022 8:42 pm # I liked that we got an explanation as to why he doesn't want to be a bounty hunter anymore. Because that's what I was missing was a concrete explanation. Yes we know he's changed some what since the Sarlaac and being around the Tuskens but I thought its would have been good to have a contrasted with an even further flashback of Boba pre-empire just be ruthless and maybe doing some disintegrating...the items that made him the most feared in the galaxy.
I do agree with some in I have no interest and a bunch of Mandos and Boba fighting side by side...that's the equivalent of what they wanted to do for the Aliens sequel...100 power loaders against 100 Queen Aliens..it's just not what peaks my interest. I also thinks it's a little cheap...we had Mando nots but a year ago..so for them to already being doing a call back is an admittance that the character can't hang on its own...it's just seems disingenuous to me...not why I wanted to watch the series.
January 21, 2022 2:05 am # This was a pretty bad episode. Not as bad as 3, but it'd be hard to do worse than 3. There were some good parts, like the Slave 1 picking off biker thugs. Side-note, I'm pretty sure they were framed for the Tusken massacre, but they're still thugs, so it's still cool. The story hasn't progressed much at all. But the worst part was with Black Krrsantan. He sees some hapless Trandoshans having a good time and decides to attack them in what is a pretty clear cut case of a hate crime that culminates in some guy, who was minding his own business, getting dismembered because of his race. Granted, he's a Trandoshan, so that arm will likely grow back, but it's still pretty awful. Fett does absolutely nothing to stop this and even offers this bigoted thug a job, soon after. Keep in mind, this is the same guy who tried to kill him in his sick bed like a day ago.
On the upside, I think we're finally out of the flashbacks. But I'm finding it less and less easy to be excited for how this show ends. Maybe Filoni's work on the finale will blow me away. Hope springs eternal.
January 21, 2022 2:59 am # All that being said, I sure did like that bantha. She was a little cutie pie.
January 21, 2022 3:07 am # The ship and BK made this episode, and Fennec is out shining “bugger it” Boba. It’s sad but Boba Fett is being destroyed right in front of eyes. Disney have made the rating the lowest since the service started. I have been a long term fan, ever since I first saw him all those years ago, I was so hyped for this Series. But up to now he has just been an embarrassing chump that just walks around with his helmet off (Actors vanity no doubt I read that he wanted this) It’s not my Boba, it’s just another goodie goodie Disney character, to make money and toys.
I’ll take this back, if it has a massive change in direction, but I fear it won’t!
January 21, 2022 10:33 am # More like Blunder-Fett! :) My expectations were very low to begin with. In fact..the Mando ep where he get's his armor back and beats the holy hell out of the stormtroopers..I'm good with that cap. In this universe we're really only getting bits and pieces of the Boba we all knew and loved. And I'm grateful for those. I did like the storyline of Boba of Tatooine...
I'm ordering the de-specialized trilogy soon so I can experience the og Boba Fett (and movies for that matter) in HD glory.
B0BA wrote:The ship and BK made this episode, and Fennec is out shining “bugger it” Boba. It’s sad but Boba Fett is being destroyed right in front of eyes. Disney have made the rating the lowest since the service started. I have been a long term fan, ever since I first saw him all those years ago, I was so hyped for this Series. But up to now he has just been an embarrassing chump that just walks around with his helmet off (Actors vanity no doubt I read that he wanted this) It’s not my Boba, it’s just another goodie goodie Disney character, to make money and toys.
I’ll take this back, if it has a massive change in direction, but I fear it won’t!
January 21, 2022 1:51 pm # covermeporkins wrote:More like Blunder-Fett! :) My expectations were very low to begin with. In fact..the Mando ep where he get's his armor back and beats the holy hell out of the stormtroopers..I'm good with that cap. In this universe we're really only getting bits and pieces of the Boba we all knew and loved. And I'm grateful for those. I did like the storyline of Boba of Tatooine...
I'm ordering the de-specialized trilogy soon so I can experience the og Boba Fett (and movies for that matter) in HD glory.
B0BA wrote:The ship and BK made this episode, and Fennec is out shining “bugger it” Boba. It’s sad but Boba Fett is being destroyed right in front of eyes. Disney have made the rating the lowest since the service started. I have been a long term fan, ever since I first saw him all those years ago, I was so hyped for this Series. But up to now he has just been an embarrassing chump that just walks around with his helmet off (Actors vanity no doubt I read that he wanted this) It’s not my Boba, it’s just another goodie goodie Disney character, to make money and toys.
I’ll take this back, if it has a massive change in direction, but I fear it won’t!
Its Tat-Ween according to new Boba !
February 19, 2022 5:53 pm # Founder/Editor, BFFC
Great episode. I like the part of when Boba Fett was killing the robots cooking in the kitchen while Fennec Shand was watching the door, Fennec Shand shooting the mean robots while Boba Fett was climbing into his ship, Boba’s ship lifting off breaking the walls, and Fennec Shand shooting the mean robots while she is on the ramp of the ship. This episode made me laugh a lot.