December 17, 2020 8:11 pm # What a day to go into the season finale, with the passing of Jeremy Bulloch, the original actor to play Boba Fett, earlier today.
In his memory, let's look forward to his character living on through other actors and new stories, like what has happened in this season of "The Mandalorian."
Without further ado...
Spoilers Ahead
It's highly likely we'll see Boba Fett in the episode, involved in the recovery of Grogu.
The storyline suggests Grogu was communicating with someone on that rock a couple episodes ago, so will they show up and be a Jedi?
It's possible we'll see more familiar locations. Perhaps Jabba's Palace. We'll see.
See our threads for past episodes:
• Season 2 Episode 7
• Season 2 Episode 6
• Season 2 Episode 5
• Season 2 Episode 4
• Season 2 Episode 3
• Season 2 Episode 2
• Season 2 Episode 1
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 17, 2020 10:57 pm # It’s crazy how we are already at the season finale. Besides the characters from the last episode (excluding Mayfield) I have no idea what to expect in this episode!
December 18, 2020 12:05 am # #BobaFett has an emoji again on Twitter and it's a new one:

Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 18, 2020 12:05 am # Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 18, 2020 12:51 am # Holy crap! Boba the new Crime Boss.....I almost cried when I watched that end scene.
December 18, 2020 12:56 am # “The Book of Boba Fett” is Season 3 of Mandalorian?!
The spin-off-of-sorts rumors were true...
Makes up for the so-so scene with Bo-Katan earlier in the episode.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 18, 2020 1:03 am # The ending gave me all sorts of chills man...
December 18, 2020 1:11 am (Edited December 18, 2020 01:23 am) # Bo Katan: “You’re a disgrace to the armor”.
Also Bo Katan: *Was part of death watch who terrorized Mandalore and murdered many people and tried to overthrow her sister during the clone wars* lol
Don’t get me wrong, Bo is awesome and she has changed a lot/grown since the Death Watch days but I’m not sure she herself has the cleanest resume as that kind of stuff can’t exactly be undone lol
December 18, 2020 2:33 am # Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 18, 2020 2:49 am # Boba appears to have recovered his unpainted helmet for a few seconds of his fight against Reeves :

By the way
Amazing episode
Amazing Boba Fett
Thanks The Mandalorian
December 18, 2020 2:58 am # Boba Fett french, good looking out. Must be the (or a) stunt helmet getting beat up there.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 18, 2020 3:03 am # 
Note the "patch" baked into the jetpack prop, even though the damaged one is shown on the ship, making this a second pack for Fett.
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 18, 2020 3:10 am # BFFC Admin wrote:
There are no words... only helmet knods. The past 24 hours have been a roller coaster.
December 18, 2020 3:10 am # Other than the de-aging SFX being a bit off, it was an absolutely perfect episode. Fennec freeing the slave and Boba sitting on Jabba’s throne in the stinger for a new series was icing on the cake. Din Djarin wasn’t the only one crying at the end.
December 18, 2020 4:28 am # GL wrote:Holy crap! Boba the new Crime Boss.....I almost cried when I watched that end scene.
Me, too. I was so scared that they might kill Boba, but now he's THE MAN and getting his own show!
December 18, 2020 4:30 am # BFFC Admin wrote:“The Book of Boba Fett” is Season 3 of Mandalorian?!
The spin-off-of-sorts rumors were true...
Makes up for the so-so scene with Bo-Katan earlier in the episode.
I took this as The Book of Boba is a spin-off series being announced in this teaser.
What do you guys think?
December 18, 2020 4:45 am # BFFC Admin wrote:
The king is dead. Long live the king.
A very "Conan the Barbarian" feel and look to the ending there, sitting on his throne.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
December 18, 2020 4:53 am # 4Runner wrote:BFFC Admin wrote:“The Book of Boba Fett” is Season 3 of Mandalorian?!
The spin-off-of-sorts rumors were true...
Makes up for the so-so scene with Bo-Katan earlier in the episode.
I took this as The Book of Boba is a spin-off series being announced in this teaser.
What do you guys think?
Yeah that's another show :D
December 18, 2020 5:47 am # Fantastic episode! Finally, Boba getting the respect he deserves! I also think it's not the last time we see Din and Grogu together.
December 18, 2020 5:48 am # I guess Boba finally answered the question himself on whether "he" was a Mandalorian or not, once and for all. Sounded like he pretty much said he wasn't.
-Bo Katan: "You're not a Mandalorian."
-Boba Fett: "I never said I was."
At least we got confirmation that Jango Fett was Mandalorian and his mentor was Jaster Mereel.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
December 18, 2020 5:50 am # Episode 8 was epic! With a certain someone having a Rogue One Darth Vader style moment and Boba taking Jabba's Throne on Tatooine! Can't wait for The Book of Boba Fett next December! :D
December 18, 2020 6:38 am # I was doing ok till R2 rolled in. What an ending for these last two seasons.
RIP Jeremy <3
December 18, 2020 7:03 am (Edited December 18, 2020 08:32 am) # BFFC Admin wrote:“The Book of Boba Fett” is Season 3 of Mandalorian?!
The spin-off-of-sorts rumors were true...
Makes up for the so-so scene with Bo-Katan earlier in the episode.
Koska or whatever her name is roughing up Boba during the cantina scene was pure crap but I can kind of let that go seeing the post-credit sequence. There's going to be a Boba spin-off show after all! :D
December 18, 2020 8:14 am # Wow, what an episode. Last 16 mins was just smiles and tears. Who knew a 46 year old could bawl his eyes out like the 7 year old watching Luke find out who his father is and getting his hand chopped off shortly after watching Boba take Solo to Jabba in Empire. So many emotions.
I missed the ending the first time then watched the last 16 min again and had it playing in the background all while playing keyboard warrior on Twitter then all of a sudden... Jabbas Palace.
2021 can’t get here soon enough.
December 18, 2020 9:54 am (Edited December 18, 2020 09:56 am) # The Ruler of Tatooine! I want to see where this is going. Like Boba, Disney didn't do much for Luke... until now! They finally put good people to make Star Wars. That last episode and the entire show is Star Wars Pure and Legit, that's what the fans want to see!
December 18, 2020 10:39 am # I didn't understand what Moff Gideon and Bo Katan were saying about having to fight to get the Darksaber from Djarin. Seems very contradictory, considering how she got the Darksaber from Sabine Wren in SW: Rebels.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
December 18, 2020 11:25 am # I wonder how it would have gone down if Boba Fett was with everyone when Luke showed up, hmmm...
December 18, 2020 11:32 am # I got up at 6:00 am to watch it when the episode dropped and I knew there had to be an extra scene the moment the credits started rolling with SEVEN MINUTES TO GO. I'm very excited for what's to come, but I find it somewhat unlikely that The Book of Boba Fett would be Mando season 3 as they have yet to grant titles to the pre-existing seasons, and it seems rather odd to do so at such a late time. I think, and hope, that TBoBF will be Boba's own spin-off, and that it was only omitted from the announcements on the 10th because they wanted to surprise all of us with the extra scene. I don't want it to be Mando 3 because I think they'd probably make Boba the villain of the season then. That would be catastrophic since Din is protected by plot armor, so Boba would have to lose to him, and that's simply not plausible. We all know that, plot armor aside, our Boba would destroy Din easily, but that won't be the case if they make Boba a bad guy. I'd also love the amount of screen time Boba would get if he had his own show, and the exposure to other lovable bounty hunters like Dengar that we'd most likely receive. It would also be really nice to see the relationship, whatever that might be, further developed between Boba Fett and Fennec Shand. Right now it looks like she's taken up a Chewbacca-like role (life-debt sidekick), but I think they're just a little more than that, or they have the potential to be (and I'm not saying that that's a necessarily romantic relationship, but instead, perhaps, something more similar to Boba's friendship with Goran Beviin in Legends). Boba deserves happiness (and he deserves to not have stupid little moments like Koska somehow getting the better of him in the bar, but I digress), but this Ruler of Tatooine business has the potential to be one of the greatest story arcs in the history of Star Wars. I just hope they don't make the same mistakes twice, and waste two amazing characters like Fennec and Boba.
Additionally, it must not be forgotten that Boba is now re-cannonized as Mandalorian by birth, though he has, for now, rejected his birthright. This is very similar to his Legends story, but they may be replacing him accepting his role as Manda'lor (Legends), with him instead choosing to bring order to Tatooine as its greatest ruler yet. He shall finally get the recognition we have always known he deserves! :D
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
December 18, 2020 11:45 am # JoKeR wrote:I wonder how it would have gone down if Boba Fett was with everyone when Luke showed up, hmmm...
I was thinking the same thing.
I did like the homage to the Battlestar Galactica fighters taking off from the launch bays with the Tie Fighter launch sequence. The way the Dark Troopers looked, I was half expecting some kind of "toaster" pun from Bo Katan.
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
December 18, 2020 11:53 am # The ending with Luke and R2-D2 taking Grogu almost brings you to tears. I'm just waiting for the angry memes that will inevitably come once people begin to remember what happens to everyone at Luke's Jedi Praxium later on. :-p
--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
December 18, 2020 12:38 pm (Edited December 18, 2020 12:38 pm) # (Not good at english…)Greeting from japan. I was so excited that I created an account.
The book of Boba fett was a big announcement.But here comes the question. Will he be fixed as a villain?
If this show is like a reproduction of Darth Maul's Shadow Collective, it seems to contradict the attitude of "Sometimes fate steps in to rescue the wretched." I thought that Fett's character was becoming a kind of "dark hero".
Of course, I want to see the adventures of Fennec and Boba ...
December 18, 2020 1:15 pm # Hoooooooly shiiii this episode.
Boba Fett taking his throne, getting revenge to those who abandoned him to the desert sands.
Not to mention everything else that happened. Young Luke looked surprisingly good!
But man, my favorite moment was with Boba.
I wonder if his bounty hunting days are behind him... If he doesn't want to hunt criminals but to rule over them.
December 18, 2020 2:48 pm # Pimp Daddy Boba Fett! I never would have dreamt of the scenario!
December 18, 2020 3:57 pm # I, like many did NOT stick around to watch the post-credit sequence but when I heard of it on youtube I watched all of the credits. No wonder disney didn't announce a Boba mini-series at investor's day! Next year is gonna be a great year!
December 18, 2020 7:02 pm # deadmansswitch wrote:(Not good at english…)Greeting from japan. I was so excited that I created an account.
The book of Boba fett was a big announcement.But here comes the question. Will he be fixed as a villain?
If this show is like a reproduction of Darth Maul's Shadow Collective, it seems to contradict the attitude of "Sometimes fate steps in to rescue the wretched." I thought that Fett's character was becoming a kind of "dark hero".
Of course, I want to see the adventures of Fennec and Boba ...
Boba has always been a complex character, but I wouldn't worry about Tatooine. They re-cannonized in The Tragedy that Boba is a fair and honorable man. His word binds him and he pities the defenseless. If you ask me, Tatooine has needed someone like him to govern them for a long time. We heard how unsafe Peli Motto said the planet was for all of its residents, and its been an unstable hive of scum and villainy since well before The Phantom Menace. Boba won't be afraid to bring a strong hand down on the more unruly types, but he also won't be a tyrant. He's always been somewhat of an anti-hero, and where The Book of Boba Fett will be his show, he should be a protagonist. My guess is that the show will be reminiscent of Venom in that Boba is doing fairly close to the right thing, but not technically legally. The Outer Rim should reach levels of stability almost unseen since before the Old Republic days under his righteous rule! Also, we could get a chance to see more of his "human" side as the friendship between him and Fennec develops. In short, I don't think he'll be the villain of his own show, but he'll also definitely be creating his own rules. In the end, he's honestly a pretty good man, and I think he'll make the galaxy safer in the long run. He could even assume a role similar to his original one during the Yuuzhan Vong attack in Legends where he assembles his unorthodox people to temporarily ally themselves with the Republic against a much more deadly threat (in this case, Thrawn and his armada). We've already borne witness to the trepidation in his tone when he said "They're back.....the Empire. They're back." and the shock of his body language. He clearly understands that the return of a fractured Empire isn't a good thing." It could be an awesome team-up, and could lead to a potential shaky alliance between his Kingdom and the New Republic.
“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
December 18, 2020 9:57 pm (Edited December 18, 2020 09:59 pm) # My guess is The Book of Boba Fett will be a dream come true.
I think it will be like a collection of stories, past and present, from all over the galaxy.
Boba will act as our guide through his stories.
Not all the stories will be about Boba, It will have a rotating cast that has stories that focus on IG-88, Dengar, Bossk, of course Boba, maybe Jango. etc...Just a lot of stories from Boba's life and some that he's heard.
Ladies and gentlemen I am still buzzing from last night. I have watched the post credit scene multiple times, over and over. I loved every second of that.
December 18, 2020 11:07 pm # Hi-res press room photos:

Will get back to pulling key frames of every shot of Boba in the show, like we've done for the last several. You can find them all here:
Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 19, 2020 12:35 am # My thinking at this point is The Book of Boba Fett will be a Disney+ movie next December. A special extra story (an early Christmas 2021 gift!) separate from The Mandalorian season 3, maybe just after the season ends. More than happy to be proven wrong if it ends up being more than that.
December 19, 2020 6:34 am # My reaction to the post-credits scene:
My boyfriend: ... I can't think of anything that would make me that excited.
All in all, a really enjoyable season finale! The Dark Troopers were incredibly formidable and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time they were on screen. Overall, I think Fett was underutilized, but the post-credits scene and announcement more than made up for it. My speculation is that BoBF will be Season 3 of The Mandalorian. I think an entirely new logo would have been displayed if it were it's own show, rather than making the announcement using the title text. But that's just my complete speculation, lol.
I need to go back and watch the Clone Wars because I felt Bo-Katan and Koska were just plain petty towards Fett in the opening scene. But I guess when you consider how sacred they consider Beskar in their culture, they must see it as a major violation of their cultural values for them to see someone they perceive to be an outsider wearing the armor. So I suppose the pettiness make sense, even if I think it was a bit over the top. The fight that broke out between Koska and Fett felt unnecessary, but I think they wanted to show audiences just how formidable Koska was before taking her along for the Grogu heist.
Not sure how I feel about Fett calling Bo-Katan "princess," either, but it's a very minor gripe.
Overall, I'm a happy Fett fan. :)
December 19, 2020 5:03 pm # Wow! The finale was absolutely incredible. I can’t wait for December 2021, The Book of Boba Fett is going to be killer! I just wanted to post my very crazy theory I have for what’s next:
So at the end we have the very interesting situation between Bo Katan and Din regarding the dark saber. Din clearly doesn’t want it and Bo can’t just take it from him, she’ll have to disarm him or kill him to honorably get the dark saber to claim control over Mandalore. Now I think the end credits scene of Boba takes place at the beginning of season 3 cause he’s got Fennec with him. I think Boba will come to pick up Din and the others but Din will explain that they’re not quite done with their mission (the dark saber). Maybe Din makes a passing comment of how whoever wields the dark saber holds power and is basically seen as a leader. I think Boba will tell Din to give it to him and Din will. Boba will then accept a challenge from Bo Katan right then and there for the dark saber. Clearly they both don’t like each other as we saw earlier in the finale. Boba will kill Bo Katan and claim the dark saber and be the new ruler of Mandalore. However, since he said Mandalore was turned to glass (assuming by project cinder) he will establish a “New Mandalore” on Tatooine. What shows more power than wielding a the dark saber and sitting on the most powerful crime lords throne?! I think that this would be an excellent arc for Boba, once a hired gun and now a powerful and wealthy leader. The end credit scene as well I think could’ve easily been edited to now show Boba with the dark saber.
December 19, 2020 5:50 pm # MandaloreRising wrote:deadmansswitch wrote:(Not good at english…)Greeting from japan. I was so excited that I created an account.
The book of Boba fett was a big announcement.But here comes the question. Will he be fixed as a villain?
If this show is like a reproduction of Darth Maul's Shadow Collective, it seems to contradict the attitude of "Sometimes fate steps in to rescue the wretched." I thought that Fett's character was becoming a kind of "dark hero".
Of course, I want to see the adventures of Fennec and Boba ...
Boba has always been a complex character, but I wouldn't worry about Tatooine. They re-cannonized in The Tragedy that Boba is a fair and honorable man. His word binds him and he pities the defenseless. If you ask me, Tatooine has needed someone like him to govern them for a long time. We heard how unsafe Peli Motto said the planet was for all of its residents, and its been an unstable hive of scum and villainy since well before The Phantom Menace. Boba won't be afraid to bring a strong hand down on the more unruly types, but he also won't be a tyrant. He's always been somewhat of an anti-hero, and where The Book of Boba Fett will be his show, he should be a protagonist. My guess is that the show will be reminiscent of Venom in that Boba is doing fairly close to the right thing, but not technically legally. The Outer Rim should reach levels of stability almost unseen since before the Old Republic days under his righteous rule! Also, we could get a chance to see more of his "human" side as the friendship between him and Fennec develops. In short, I don't think he'll be the villain of his own show, but he'll also definitely be creating his own rules. In the end, he's honestly a pretty good man, and I think he'll make the galaxy safer in the long run. He could even assume a role similar to his original one during the Yuuzhan Vong attack in Legends where he assembles his unorthodox people to temporarily ally themselves with the Republic against a much more deadly threat (in this case, Thrawn and his armada). We've already borne witness to the trepidation in his tone when he said "They're back.....the Empire. They're back." and the shock of his body language. He clearly understands that the return of a fractured Empire isn't a good thing." It could be an awesome team-up, and could lead to a potential shaky alliance between his Kingdom and the New Republic.
Reading this, I remembered that Boba didn't go to Cobb Vanth to get his armor.
If Boba had just wanted to take over jabba's palace, he could have killed Cobb and regained his armor at any time.
I will wait until the next official announcement ...
December 19, 2020 11:03 pm # Interesting take, mjwierzb. I just don't see Filoni or others killing off Bo-Katan... but I very well could be wrong!
Y'all I just made this master piece. Hope you like.

December 20, 2020 12:52 pm # Nice! Lol I just sent to this to a friend of mine and he liked it!
BFFC Manji wrote:Interesting take, mjwierzb. I just don't see Filoni or others killing off Bo-Katan... but I very well could be wrong!
Y'all I just made this master piece. Hope you like.

December 20, 2020 4:07 pm # MandaloreRising wrote: I find it somewhat unlikely that The Book of Boba Fett would be Mando season 3 as they have yet to grant titles to the pre-existing seasons, and it seems rather odd to do so at such a late time. I think, and hope, that TBoBF will be Boba's own spin-off, and that it was only omitted from the announcements on the 10th because they wanted to surprise all of us with the extra scene.
I disagree. The first two seasons of this show have been tied up, as a self contained narrative, with this finale episode. If they were to continue with Din Djarin as protagonist then the 'Chapter' element of the episode titles would get very laborious indeed. Not to mention the fact that without Grogu, the thing that made the audience interested in Djarin in the first place is absent. This way, we're guaranteed a certain freshness, and it validates the absence of the Child from the narrative by focusing on an entirely different set of characters. Plus it harkens back to Lucas' original idea for 'The Star Wars' in which there was several 'books' - much like scripture. We've had the Book of Din Djarin, now we'll have the Book of Boba Fett. I'm personally all for it!
December 20, 2020 4:27 pm # BFFC Manji wrote:Interesting take, mjwierzb. I just don't see Filoni or others killing off Bo-Katan... but I very well could be wrong!
Y'all I just made this master piece. Hope you like.

Thanks! I think it’s a pretty far fetched theory but I absolutely dig it. I think killing of Bo Katan is a stretch but never say never! We saw Luke so anything’s possible LOL
December 20, 2020 7:16 pm # About the CGI de-aging of Luke, I don't see how it was bad as so many people who are extremely, ridiculously hard to please because they're full of crap have stated. To me they are trolls trying to ruin someone else's great time. They are miserable.
December 23, 2020 12:35 am # Talked with Manji about this one and spun up a slight variant:

Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 23, 2020 5:49 am # BFFC Admin wrote:Talked with Manji about this one and spun up a slight variant:

Much better with a high-res image (the screen grab I used came from Twitter)... you can really feel the chemistry in this one. ;)
And having "you" on the 2nd line definitely bothered me after I posted the original one - so good catch! :D