Featured Topic: The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 7

Note: this topic was started 4 years ago.

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Topic #4735
December 17, 2020 3:40 pm #
Kevbofett wrote:

Do you think the presence of Fett's second jetpack (empire colour scheme) suggests the possible presence of either multiple jet packs I his possession, somewhat of a collection; or the possibility that Fett has done battle with others sporting Mandalorian armour in the past?

I think it's pretty much a given that he has purchased duplicates of most of his equipment. He even had an extra set of armor in Legends. Additionally, it is canonized that Boba has back-ups because Luke irreparably sliced his EE-3 rifle in ROTJ and here in Mando, we see him toting a new one.

Honestly, these Boba episodes in Mandalorian make me feel so vindicated. I've defended Boba being my favorite character for years, and caught a lot of flak for it, but now everyone sees how awesome he is. I can't even tell you how many times I've heard "But he was only in the movies for like 10 seconds, and he only had like 3 lines, how can he be your favorite?", and now I have something to direct them to that they won't be able to dismiss. Such happiness! :D

“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
December 17, 2020 5:08 pm #

One of the special edition changes should've been Boba climbing his way out of the Sarlacc. It could've just been a quick shot but it would've been the best change to the original trilogy.

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