Featured Topic: How old is Boba Fett in the new Bounty Hunters comic?

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Topic #4681
March 14, 2020 7:44 am #

(Possible spoilers for those who have not read the comic)

After reading the new comic, I noticed something that got me thinking: How old is Fett in the beginning scenes of the comic?

There are a few things that made me ponder this question. 1: He had no dent in his helmet. 2: He was using a Westar 34, the same blasters his father Jango used. Starting with the dent. I thought this might have been an artist error and they forgot to include the dent but after getting to the end of the comic, you can see the dent on Boba's helmet when it cuts to the present. Assuming the unfinished Clone Wars episode where Fett kills Bane is still Canon, this means that Fett would have had to have worked with Valance before he fought Cad Bane. The blasters are also a piece of evidence. Boba used the Westars up until he killed Bane. After that point, he acquired Sugi's EE-3. So, unless he decided to pull them out for this one mission, then this backs up my theory.

So, how old is he? Going by these observations I'd say he is around 15 years old maybe a little older.
What do you guys think?

March 15, 2020 1:19 pm #

Amazing observation TheIronWolf!
Taking into account that Boba is 10 years old in AOTC, and 13 on ROTS... In the comic he must be 12 maybe, since he doesn’t have the dent in the beginning, as you very well mentioned, but he does have it at the end.
Quite young don’t you think?
Thanks for sharing this!

BFFC Moderator/Editor.
My passion is Boba Fett. That's why I'm here :-)
March 15, 2020 1:38 pm #

Juan, good point about the canon ages.

What if it's not a flashback, or that far back, and just the artist simplifying the armor? Or perhaps he has a different helmet at this point?

Founder/Editor, BFFC
March 16, 2020 1:14 am #

Hmmm... Yeah, I agree. I’ve searched it and the timeline is set between ESB and ROTJ.
So yeah, the artist must have made a mistake, or simply he wanted to simply the armor, as you said.
How was the jetpack? I don’t really remember it...

BFFC Moderator/Editor.
My passion is Boba Fett. That's why I'm here :-)

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