Topic: Art styles used to draw Boba and other Mandalorians

Note: this topic was started 7 years ago.

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Topic #4486
May 18, 2017 1:19 pm #

I thought I might provoke some discussion here ;)

I'm sometimes acused of using too "sweet" or "chilish" style. If you know terms like "chibi" and "kawaii" you get the idea. Using bright colours, bigger heads and things like this.

Is it bad to draw badass characters like Boba this way?

And other side question. Would Boba be unhappy with depicting him this way? Or maybe he wouldn't even care?

I hope you have a lot of different views about it :D

Find my art on :)
May 19, 2017 5:09 pm #

To the first question: No, of course not! Draw away!
To the second question: I think he might LIKE it! You never know, he IS a Mando of mystery! ;-)

May 20, 2017 12:30 am #

Don't you think that people who believe in him being super manly and even dark might see it as a way to take away those traits from him?

Like it? That would be surprising :D

Find my art on :)

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