Serious Geeking Forum

A deeper look into Boba Fett and the expanded Star Wars universe. Basic trivia through to trivial trivia goes here.

276 topics

Sorted by newest to oldest — with moderator-chosen featured ones shown first

On naming the ship "Slave I"

Started 15 years ago by AvatarMossNoth

20 replies
View newest post by BobaMojo from February 26, 2016
3 replies
View newest post by ctxboy1981 from February 25, 2016
2 replies
View newest post by BFFC Admin from February 19, 2016

What Your Favorite Droid?

Started 14 years ago by AvatarKarson Fett

23 replies
View newest post by MissileFiringBobaFett from February 16, 2016

Boba's Morality

Started 18 years ago by AvatarBFFC Chrys

42 replies
View newest post by ctxboy1981 from January 26, 2016
12 replies
View newest post by ctxboy1981 from January 25, 2016
14 replies
View newest post by ctxboy1981 from January 23, 2016
13 replies
View newest post by ctxboy1981 from January 21, 2016

The Old Republic

Started 15 years ago by AvatarSi Titran

62 replies across 2 pages
View newest post by BFFC Admin from April 8, 2015
0 replies
View newest post by BFFC Admin from October 21, 2014

Alternate Reality for Boba

Started 13 years ago by AvatarBFFC-Mel

6 replies
View newest post by Ralin Drakus from December 1, 2013
33 replies
View newest post by Ralin Drakus from December 1, 2013
3 replies
View newest post by Gojan Fett from November 12, 2013

Was Yoda Wrong?

Started 14 years ago by AvatarKarson Fett

20 replies
View newest post by mandalore the ultimate12 from August 30, 2013
0 replies
View newest post by BFFC Admin from August 20, 2013

Why did Dengar rescue Boba Fett

Started 11 years ago by AvatarEzraz

5 replies
View newest post by DarkOne from August 3, 2013
11 replies
View newest post by Tempest from September 23, 2012

Boba Fett and "Forgivness"

Started 13 years ago by Avatarfairyblood

5 replies
View newest post by DarkOne from September 19, 2012

I have a question!

Started 12 years ago by Avatardamitrya

5 replies
View newest post by sintas guy67 from May 29, 2012
2 replies
View newest post by BFFC-Mel from April 21, 2012


Started 13 years ago by AvatarAriana

1 reply
View newest post by Mr.Smileyman-delorian from April 6, 2012

Moved bobafett

Started 12 years ago by Avatarbobafett801

mandalorian god(s)

Started 15 years ago by AvatarJohan Kordav

15 replies
View newest post by Darth_Cadin from October 27, 2011

SW: Red Harvest

Started 13 years ago by AvatarBFFC-Mel

1 reply
View newest post by BFFC-Mel from March 22, 2011
1 reply
View newest post by fairyblood from March 19, 2011

The Force Unleashed 2

Started 15 years ago by Avatarnetracinya

25 replies
View newest post by cloneapart from January 13, 2011
6 replies
View newest post by Ariana from November 1, 2010
25 replies
View newest post by fairyblood from October 24, 2010
1 reply
View newest post by fairyblood from September 14, 2010
16 replies
View newest post by Fett_II from August 28, 2010
77 replies across 2 pages
View newest post by Karson Fett from July 28, 2010

City of Bone

Started 14 years ago by AvatarAriana

9 replies
View newest post by Karson Fett from July 14, 2010

Top 25 Star Wars "Pants" Lines

Started 15 years ago by AvatarFett_II

14 replies
View newest post by Merciless Mandalore from June 30, 2010

Boba's BL-17

Started 17 years ago by AvatarDageen Fett

13 replies
View newest post by mandalorian2269 from June 24, 2010
81 replies across 2 pages
View newest post by Karson Fett from June 23, 2010

Attack of the Hair

Started 16 years ago by AvatarNet-a-Fett

38 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from June 22, 2010

Young Jedi Knights books?

Started 14 years ago by AvatarAriana

3 replies
View newest post by Miba from June 22, 2010
27 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from June 21, 2010

Name Your Clone

Started 15 years ago by AvatarBFFC-Mel

36 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from June 21, 2010

Mandalorian wars.

Started 14 years ago by Avatarmandoboy

12 replies
View newest post by Ralin Drakus from June 20, 2010

Build Your Own Lightsaber

Started 15 years ago by AvatarFett_II

4 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from June 19, 2010
52 replies across 2 pages
View newest post by Ralin Drakus from June 13, 2010

First Mandalorian?

Started 14 years ago by Avatarmandoboy

11 replies
View newest post by BFFC-Mel from June 12, 2010

Star Wars language

Started 14 years ago by AvatarJaccoba-the-Wookiee

25 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from June 3, 2010

501st TK Helmet Project

Started 14 years ago by AvatarSadriel_Fett

3 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from June 3, 2010
131 replies across 3 pages
View newest post by mandolover<3 from June 2, 2010
4 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from May 31, 2010

Who is Boba Fett?

Started 14 years ago by Avatartachyonblade

11 replies
View newest post by tachyonblade from May 29, 2010
27 replies
View newest post by mandolover<3 from May 27, 2010

Moved New Comic Book: Blood Ties

Started 14 years ago by AvatarMiba