Our Affiliates
Affiliate marketing disclosure: when you buy through our links, we may earn a commission.
This page contains affiliate links for which our site may be compensated if you make a purchase. The small commission goes toward our frugal operating expenses. We hand-pick links to places we use and recommend ourselves for official merchandise. Best of all, there is no cost to you. Thanks for your support!
Current advertisers in rotation in our banner ads
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Amazon has superb inventory and competitive pricing on books and comics both new and old, as well as a way for independent sellers to provide more vintage and rare items. |
All advertisers we currently work with
What We Do
Unlike other fan sites, who run ads to the highest bidder, we operate differently, re-investing everything back into the website. Here are some things we negotiate for BFFC fans:
- Giveaways
In the past, we've given away convention tickets, Boba Fett action figures, Boba Fett socks, and even a Boba Fett statue. - Contests
We like rewarding creativity, so we sometimes host caption contests, where the most original answer or two wins the prize. We ask that the sponsor provides shipping, preferably worldwide. - Discount Codes
Maybe we can pass along free shipping for BFFC fans on quality Star Wars merchandise. - Reviews
We are often open to a review copy of something official and Boba Fett related for a formal review in our News section. - First Look/Reveal
From time to time, licensees have come to us to help break the news of something new, where our site has the first images/videos often embargoes to drop at the same time as an official launch.
What We Don't Do
On the flip side, some things we're not open to:
- Sponsored content that's been pre-written, such as verbatim press releases on their own.
- Off topic material not related to Star Wars.
- Pay for play glowing reviews.
- Any endorsements for products/brands we don't use, trust, etc.
Get In Touch
Questions? Ideas? Please contact us.