Exclusive: Star Wars Episode 7 to be Shot on Film by Dan Mindel

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Announced today at a film industry event * in Los Angeles, we’re exclusively and first to report that cinematographer Dan Mindel ASC, BSC is shooting Star Wars Episode 7 with J.J. Abrams — on 35mm film. Specifically, Kodak film stock 5219.

Frame of reference. This is how Star Trek was shot. Star Wars Episode 7 will use the same camera team and director.

Frame of reference: this is how Star Trek was shot on film, not digital like the Star Wars prequels. Star Wars Episode 7 will use the same camera team led by cinematographer Dan Mindel ASC BSC in addition to the director we already know is attached, J.J. Abrams. Photo by Zade Rosenthal / ICG Magazine.

At today’s event in the ASC Club House, the cinematographer discussed his first work with J.J. Abrams on “Mission: Impossibe 3.” During a viewing of the dailies (a standard review of what was shot the day before, whether or not on 35mm film), a mistake lens flare caught the eye of the director. Dan showed him how they are created, which led to lens flares galore in “Super 8” and the recent “Star Trek” films, the latter of which Mindel lensed.

Thanks to the Kodak rep, Lorette Bayle, for asking the question during the Q&A, which Dan confirmed himself after a couple coy replies.

* Updated 8/22/2013 5:55pm PST: The event was “ASC Breakfast with Dan Mindel” where American Cinematographer Associate Editor, Jon Witmer, reviewed his work in Q&A, which included “Domino,” “Shanghai Noon” and “Star Trek.” Then the event had a public Q&A.


Photo by Zade Rosenthal / ICG Magazine.


  1. Pingback: Episode VII To Be Shot Using 35mm Film | HoloNet News
  2. Pingback: EP VII To Be Shot on 35mm Film « Coruscant Online
  3. Tarkin says:

    get ready to be overwhelmed by shaky camera work!

  4. Pingback: DeathStar.nl - De Nederlandse Star Wars website
  5. Pingback: J.J. Abrams Hires 'Star Trek' Cinematographer to Shoot 'Star Wars: Episode VII' on 35MM Film | Todd99.com
  6. Pingback: Cinematographer Daniel Mindel To Reteam With J.J. Abrams On ‘Star Wars Episode VII’; Shooting On 35mm Film? | Flicks and Bits
  7. Pingback: GamerHop » Episode VII Will Be Shot on 35mm
  8. Pingback: Episode VII Will Be Shot on 35mm
  9. Rudy M Alapag Jr says:

    may the force be with them shooting Episode VII. Soon it will turn out great.

  10. Pingback: Star Wars Episode VII To Be Shot On 35mm Film By Star Trek’s Dan Mindel
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  12. Pingback: Episode VII to be Shot on 35mm Film « furiousfanboys.com
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  17. Pingback: Analog strikes back: next ‘Star Wars’ to be shot on film, not digital » myhavens.com
  18. Pingback: Episode VII Will Be Shot on 35mm Film
  19. Pingback: Analog strikes back: next 'Star Wars' to be shot on film, not digital - TVStore.nu | The website for TVs
  20. Pingback: Analog strikes back: next ‘Star Wars’ to be shot on film, not digital | ELifeFrontier.com
  21. Pingback: Analog strikes back: next 'Star Wars' to be shot on film, not digital | TechBoom
  22. Pingback: Analog strikes back: next ‘Star Wars’ to be shot on film, not digital » dev.myhavens.com
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  28. Pingback: Blip: Star Wars Episode VII to shoot on 35mm, strike down digital | Alternative News Alert!
  29. Pingback: Star Wars Episodio VII se rodará en 35 mm, no en digital ¶ Good news everyone!
  30. Pingback: IT Blog » Post Topic » Blip: Star Wars Episode VII to shoot on 35mm, strike down digital
  31. Pingback: Blip: Star Wars Episode VII to shoot on 35mm, strike down digital | Support Services & Facilities Services | RER Group
  32. Pingback: Star Wars: Episode 7 to be Shot on 35mm Film. The Movie Will be Post Converted in 3D. | Star Wars Episode 7 News
  33. Pingback: Star Wars: Episode VII shot by Dan Mindel with 35 mm lens camera
  34. Pingback: "Star Wars: Episode VII" Shot On 35MM Film » dev.myhavens.com
  35. Pingback: ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ Will Be Shot On 35mm and NOT Filmed Digitally
  36. Pingback: Star Wars Episodio VII se rodará en 35mm, no en digital
  37. Pingback: The New Star Wars Will Be Shot on Film, Which Is Probably Great — Blog of MPRosa
  38. Pingback: "Star Wars: Episode VII" Will Be Shot on Film | Controlled ObsessionControlled Obsession
  39. Pingback: You Know Whaaa! » Dan Mindel Joins as Cinematographer for ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’
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  42. Pingback: J.J. Abrams es un defensor de la película por sobre la tecnología digital.
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  44. Pingback: Try2Enter.com | ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ to be shot on film, not digital
  45. Pingback: ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ to be shot on film, not digital «
  46. John Brune says:

    Great news. The lens flare thing doesn’t bother me. I’m tired of all the articles on the Red and Alexa. I bet this will get a post 3D treatment tho. That sucks!

    1. BFFC Admin says:

      Great point, John! I don’t expect they’ll replicate the exact look-and-feel. However, regardless of the work on “Star Trek” with Dan Mindel, J.J. loves the streak look.

  47. Pingback: 'Star Wars Episode VII' to be shot on film, not digital | Teach Electronics
  48. Pingback: Os novos Star Wars serão filmados em 35mm, o que provavelmente é ótimo | Google Mais Brasil
  49. Pingback: The Star Wars News Roundup – 8.23.13
  50. Pingback: Star Wars Episode VII se grabará en cinta de 35 mm
  51. Pingback: Star Wars: Episode VII to be shot on 35mm | Round-Up Reporting
  52. Interesting move from JJ. Abrams. (I would have thought they would shoot with Red’s 6K sensor). It does fit with the very physically orientated approach they are adopting with real locations etc… Very cool. We have also made a Star Wars Fan Film Smuggler’s Run please check it out here.

  53. Pingback: Star Wars Episodio VII se rodará en 35mm, no en digital - Marketing digital : Marketing digital
  54. Pingback: Episodio VII de Star Wars se grabará en 35mm y no en digital | CommerceTECNO.com
  55. Pingback: Episodio VII de Star Wars se grabará en 35mm y no en digital | 1010Software.com
  56. Pingback: Episodio VII de Star Wars se grabará en 35mm y no en digital | Astronomy Software
  57. wmdoll says:

    ????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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About the Author, Aaron Proctor

Founder and editor of the Boba Fett Fan Club, established in 1996. Aaron curates all of the content for BFFC and also designs/develops the website. He works with a team of volunteers worldwide. When not volunteering here, he's a cinematographer and runs his own production company.

BFFC Member #2

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