
The Empire Strikes Back

Anniversary: "The Empire Strikes Back" Premiered — May 21, 1980



  • Theatrical release: May 21, 1980
  • Home video (VHS) release: November 13, 1984
  • Special Edition theatrical release: February 21, 1997

Imperial forces continue to pursue the Rebels, including Boba Fett and other bounty hunters. In an attempt to convert Luke to the dark side, Darth Vader lures young Skywalker into a trap in the Cloud City of Bespin.

Boba Fett's costume has a unique look in this film vs. Return of the Jedi. He has green gauntlets, a green jetpack, a light blue flight suit, grey and white gloves, and a two-tone brown cape. For more, see our costume guide.


ORIGINAL TRILOGY BOBA FETT (1980 - 1997 Special Editions)

Jeremy Bulloch ... The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi ... The Original

John Morton ... The Empire Strikes Back (uncredited) ... "Bespin" Boba

For more, see Behind the Mask.



Boba Fett has four moments of voice dialogue, consisting of five sentences.

  • "As you wish." - Boba Fett to: Vader
  • "He's no good to me dead." - Boba Fett
  • "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me." - Boba Fett re: Han Solo
  • "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold." - Boba Fett

Boba Fett also has a "Wilhelm" scream as he falls into the Sarlacc. Some consider this the fifth line.

Screen Time

These numbers for Boba Fett's appearances are based on the original "Empire," not the Special Edition:

1st appearance (1:05:16 - 1:05:57) is 41 seconds for the scene with all the bounty hunters standing and being addressed by Vader. Boba Fett says to Vader, "As you wish."

2nd appearance (1:15:43 - 1:15:57) is 14 seconds, with 8 of these seconds being only his ship. This is the scene in which Boba Fett flies his ship after the Falcon.

3rd appearance (1:27:30 - 1:27:56) is 26 seconds. This is the scene in which Han fires his blaster at Vader, where he says "We would be honored if you would join us."

4th appearance (1:29:41 - 1:30:28) is 47 seconds. This is the scene in which Han is tortured. Boba Fett says to Vader, "He's no good to me dead."

5th appearance (1:33:34 - 1:36:58) is 3 minutes 24 seconds. This is the scene in which Han is frozen. Boba Fett was going to fire at Chewbacca until stopped by Vader. Boba Fett says to Vader, "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

6th appearance (1:37:37 - 1:38:10) is 43 seconds. In this scene Boba Fett fires 4 blasts at Luke.

7th appearance (1:41:45 - 1:41:57) is 12 seconds. In this scene Han is put in Boba Fett's ship. Boba Fett says to his Cloud City helper: "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold."

8th appearance (1:42:26 - 1:42:31) is 5 seconds. This scene shows only Boba Fett's ship as it flies away.

Boba Fett's 4 lines consist of 5 sentences total. All but the last line is spoken to Darth Vader. Boba Fett's lines total 27 words.

Boba Fett's screen time in just "The Empire Strikes Back" is 6 minutes 32 seconds, where 13 seconds of which is his ship only. Only one scene is over 1 minute long. The second longest scene is 47 seconds long. (This total is just Empire and not the entire Original Trilogy so please don't quote it incorrectly.)

(Special thanks to Binary_Sunset / TF.N for contributing much of the above calculations.)

Script Excerpts

(Note: FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Screenplay written by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett from a story by George Lucas.)


The group standing before Vader is a bizarre array of galactic fortune hunters: There is Bossk, a slimy, tentacled monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face; Zuckuss and Dengar, two battle-scarred, mangy human types; IG-88, a battered, tarnished chrome war droid; and Boba Fett, a man in a weapon-covered armored space suit.

VADER: ...there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations.

BOBA FETT: As you wish.



As the Avenger Star Destroyer moves slowly into space, the hatch on its underbelly opens, sending a trail of junk behind it. Hidden among the refuse, the Falcon tumbles away. In the next moment, the Avenger roars off into hyperspace. The Falcon's engines are ignited, and it races off into the distance. Amidst the slowly drifting junk, Boba Fett's ship appears and moves after the Falcon.



The mighty doors to the dining room slide open and the group enters the dining room. At the far end of a huge banquet table sits Darth Vader. Standing at his side and slightly behind him is Boba Fett, the bounty hunter. Faster than the wink of an eye, Han draws his blaster and pops off a couple of shots directly at Vader. The Dark Lord quickly raises his hand, deflecting the bolts into one of the side walls, where they explode harmlessly. Just as quickly, Han's weapon zips into Vader's hand. The evil presence calmly places the gun on the table in front of him.



Darth Vader strides through the room as two stormtroopers prepare an elaborate torture mechanism. Han is strapped to a rack which tilts forward onto the torture device. Vader activates the mechanism, creating two bursts of sparks, one of which strikes Han's face. The door opens, and Darth Vader moves to the holding chamber, where Lando and Boba Fett await him.


LANDO: Lord Vader.

VADER: (to Fett) You may take Captain Solo to Jabba the Hutt after I have Skywalker.

Han's screams filter through the torture room door.

BOBA FETT: He's no good to me dead.

VADER: He will not be permanently damaged.

LANDO: Lord Vader, what about Leia and the Wookiee?

VADER: They must never again leave this city.

LANDO: That was never a condition of our agreement, nor was giving Han to this bounty hunter!

VADER: Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly.


VADER: Good. It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here.

Vader turns and sweeps into the elevator with Boba Fett. Lando walks swiftly down another corridor, muttering to himself.



There is a great activity on the carbon-freezing platform. Six Ugnaughts frantically prepare the chamber for use. A special coffinlike container is put in place. With Boba Fett in the lead, a squad of six stormtroopers brings in Han, Leia and Chewie. Strapped to Chewie's back, with only his head, torso, and one arm assembled, is Threepio. Threepio's head faces the opposite direction from Chewie's and the droid is constantly twisting around in a vain effort to see what is happening. His one attached arm is animate and expressive, intermittently pointing, gesturing, and covering his eyes. The remaining pieces of his body are randomly bundled to the Wookiee's back so
that his legs and other arm stick out at odd angles from the pack.


Boba Fett moves away from the group to Darth Vader.

BOBA FETT: What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me.

VADER: The Empire will compensate you if he dies. Put him in!


Vader turns to Boba Fett.

VADER: He's all yours bounty hunter. Reset the chamber for Skywalker.



Boba Fett enters from a side hallway followed by two guards pushing the floating, encased body of Han Solo. Two stormtroopers, who follow, immediately spot Luke and open fire on him. The youth draws his weapon and blasts the two troopers before they can get off a second shot. The two guards whisk Han into another hallway as Fett lowers his arm and fires a deadly laser at Luke, which explodes to one side and tears up a huge chunk of wall.



The two guards slide Han's encased body into an opening in the side of the bounty hunter's ship. Boba Fett climbs aboard on a ladder next to the cargo hold.

BOBA FETT: Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold.

And with that, the door slams shut.



An elevator door slides open and Lando, Leia, and Chewbacca race for a large bay overlooking the East Landing Platform. Just as they arrive, Boba Fett's ship takes off against a cloudy sunset sky. In wild anguish, Chewie howls and starts firing at the ship.


The first draft by Leigh Brackett has no Boba Fett or bounty hunter references. See the fan site for a copy of that version.

According to J. W. Rinzler's "Star Wars: The Blueprints," Boba Fett was named in George Lucas' second draft in April 1978. No clear copy of this is available. (Some online say they're the second draft but don't have the variants we've found in the 4th and 5th drafts, so we believe they're inaccurately noted as a second draft.)

Kasdan was hired starting with the third draft of the script.

In the 4th draft of the script, dated October 24, 1978, Boba Fett had some different lines:

  • When Darth Vader said "no disintegrations," Boba Fett was not mentioned in the script as having his line, "as you wish."
  • In the hallway of Cloud City, when Darth Vader speaks to Boba Fett about Han Solo, the dialogue is shorter and much different: "VADER: Bounty hunter, if you are waiting for your reward, you will wait until I have Skywalker. // BOBA (a very tough customer): I am in no hurry, Lord Vader. My concern is that Captain Solo not be damaged. The reward from Jabba the Hutt pays double if he's alive." There is no other dialogue with Boba here.
  • In the carbon freezing chamber of Cloud City, Vader turns to Boba Fett to say: "VADER: I'll make your goods easier for you to transport. Put Captain Solo in the zero-cold chamber. // BOBA: But the chamber is for power goods. What if he doesn't survive? This slime is worth a lot to me... // VADER: The Empire will pay for the loss. Bring him forward!"

In the 5th draft of the script, dated February 20, 1979, there were some significant differences:

  • When Darth Vader said "no disintegrations," the lack of "as you wish" is identical to the 4th draft (see above).
  • When Boba Fett's ship follows the Millennium Falcon in what was listed as "Scene 339," Boba Fett's name was slightly different: "Bob Fett's ship appears in the foreground and moves after the Falcon." Presumably a typo. There was also no separate moment inside Boba Fett's ship like there was in the final film.
  • In the hallway of Cloud City, when Darth Vader speaks to Boba Fett about Han Solo, the dialogue is identical to the 4th draft (see above).
  • When Boba Fett stands with his ship as Han Solo is loaded, the action and line are very different: "Boba climb aboard on a ladder next to the side opening. // BOBA: Seal it."

In the fifth "revised" draft public draft, archived at Star Wars Obscurities and dated March 19, 1979, we have some changes:

  • When Darth Vader said "no disintegrations," Boba Fett replies with "As you wish."
  • In the hallway of Cloud City, when Darth Vader speaks to Boba Fett about Han Solo, Boba Fett replies with "He's no good to me dead."
  • In the carbon freezing chamber of Cloud City, when Vader turns to Boba Fett, Boba Fett replies "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."
  • When Boba Fett stands with his ship as Han Solo is loaded, Boba Fett says "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold."

In a deleted scene where Leia tends to Luke's injuries, Boba Fett's name is said aloud by both Leia and Luke. This footage was included on the 2011 Blu-ray release.

  • Leia: Lando's fixed it so that he can find Boba Fett's ship.
  • Luke: Boba Fett?
  • Leia: The bounty hunter.
  • Luke: Ugh... Poor Han.

Special Edition

In 1997, two moments involving Boba Fett's ship, Slave I, were added to the film, giving us 12 seconds of additional screen time for Fett.

  • At 1 hr. 16 min. 27 sec. until 1 hr. 16 min. 33 sec., Slave I is shown following the Millennium Falcon: view screenshot
  • At 1 hr. 43 min. 20 sec. until 1 hr. 43 min. 26 sec., Slave I is visible outside a new window added on Cloud City: view screenshot

Last updated

May 28, 2023


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